
 Posted by (Visited 10186 times)  Game talk  Tagged with: ,
Sep 252006

Everyone else is pointing to Flow, so I might as well.

A while back, after seeing Spore, I wrote down in my design notebook (actually a Word doc on my machine), “You could do just the first level as a casual game.”

Lo and behold, here it is. First time I loaded it, btw, no critters appeared at all — so if you find yourself in a completely empty space, try reloading or heading for the circles that pop on the edge.

Kloonigames and game prototypes

 Posted by (Visited 7542 times)  Game talk  Tagged with: ,
Sep 252006

is a new blog where the author is going to try to make a game month. He did his first one shooting for seven days of development, but actually finished it in three.

I noticed it because of this great summary article with a bunch of pointers to articles on rapid prototyping, something which I consider indispensable to the game design process. It’s worth following all the links, a very handy resource!

VLB to air TV episode before TV does

 Posted by (Visited 8017 times)  Game talk
Sep 232006

This is important, and yet another sign of convergence.

The Daily Graze » Blog Archive » Laguna Beach Episode Premieres in VLB

On Tuesday, September 26th at 9:00 PM EDT, MTV will premier next week’s episode of Laguna Beach a day early in the virtual world of Virtual Laguna Beach. The in-world airing of the “Winter Formal” episode will be followed by a virtual Winter Formal event.

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