Video Games live concert

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Sep 232006

It took four hours to drive there (!) but it was worth it.

When we arrived, we landed in “stacked parking” in Lot A, which meant that someone would be trapped behind us in the event that we left late. We didn’t plan to stay for the VIP afterparty because we had the kids in tow…

Video Games Live

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Mihaly interviews Bartle

 Posted by (Visited 6786 times)  Game talk  Tagged with: , , , ,
Sep 222006

A Chat with Richard Bartle. Among other things, it discussed the possibility of WoW having an “honorouable retirement” system.

Progenitor says, “OK, well at the moment the top level is 60. I’d like for it to keep accumulating points until you got enough for level 61.”

Progenitor says, “At that point, it would ask you if you wanted to retire with honour. if you said yes, you’d go on the high score list and that would be that, you could come back to chat and stuff but no more achievement-oriented play.”

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Sep 222006

Listen up, kids. I remember. I was there the day it happened. I know, you’ll say there’s no way I could have been alive back then, but it’s true — the pace of change is faster than you young whippersnappers think, and advances in long-life studies have kept me going far longer than I ever expected.

So yeah, I was around back on the day when it all changed — the day when we learned that TVs outnumbered people in most houses.

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