Sep 122006

While at AGC, I was also a panel with Cory Ondrejka of Second Life, Corey Bridges of Multiverse, Mark Wallace of, moderated by Jerry Paffendorf of the Metaverse Roadmap Project. The topic was “the future of virtual worlds,” and it had a decidedly non-gaming emphasis.

The audio of this panel is now available at Mark’s site.

My biggest concern with the panel is that it was so orthogonal to the largely gamer audience that was present. Most folks there had not heard of Second Life, even. I wish we had had someone who was more a representative of the current game world mindset on the panel.

The Cesspit’s Dead End

 Posted by (Visited 7757 times)  Game talk
Sep 112006

So today, Abalieno/HRose announced that he’s done.

My biggest dream was to be part of things. Not because I thought of myself as the indispensable, unique genius, but just because I love those things and I wanted to be “there”. … But at the end I was here writing on a blog, it was the best possibility I had to get as close I could to what I loved (the ladder to see the stars)…

Real life is only a matter of opportunities, not dreams. The two rarely meet each other, and in general people put their dreams close to the opportunities.

So good luck to everyone who has that “privilege” of being there. I will always look at you with envy ;p

I, for one, think that he was there, and that he’s selling himself short.

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