Is It Possible to Surpass World of Warcraft? on GameDaily BIZ is DFC Intelligence’s David Cole taking on the same topic as the “Warcrack panel.” He comes to largely the same conclusions:
Today’s Real Life nails the issue of modern convenience versus fun. 🙂
Playing for fun
(Visited 15241 times)People play games to have fun, not to make the world a better place to live.
“People read books only for enjoyment, never to learn anything.”
Austin Game Conference
(Visited 13003 times)So, next week I will be at the Austin Game Conference. My schedule:
Giving them what they want
(Visited 18511 times)Over on the thread about the Worldcon panel on WoW, an anonymous poster engaged in a bit of sarcasm:
This makes no sense!
Players apparently want to….. to play a game that’s…. that’s…. ‘fun’…?
They……. like……. combat????
They… don’t like waiting on other players in order to proceed in the game?
They… want to choose who they socialize with and when, rather than have it forced on them?
No no no, this is all wrong! These players must be wrong. Clearly they do not know what they want at all, because they cannot possibly want these things.
Of course, the sarcasm falls slightly flat, because it misses the point of the post, to my mind. But it does raise other questions.