The new issue of the Escapist has an interview with me in it, as well as interviews with John Romero, postmortems of Infocom and the Sims Online, and more.
OOCing around
(Visited 6767 times)I’m perpetually astonished by the general ignorance of the phenomenally successful Habbo Hotel in the US. Habbo’s got a real claim to be the biggest MMORPG in the world, with (last I heard) 6 million users in the trailing 30 days — given typical figures for the percentage of a userbase that isn’t as active as that, this may put it above WoW in terms of total users worldwide.
Many seem to dismiss it because “it isn’t a game” — even though it embeds numerous minigames. Many seem to disregard it because its peak concurrency isn’t that high — disregarding industry stats that show that social games tend to have far lower tie ratios than the MMORPGs do.
Now PlayNoEvil brings us word that Habbo Hotel in China will sell real items. Buy virtual flowers, and take receipt of a real bouquet the next day.
The Sunday Poem: Reactions to the Awful News
(Visited 4665 times)I. The Preacher
Poor Jenny Blade she spent her days
Whistling with her teakettles,
Humming tunes in bare wood rooms
And watching crop dust settle.
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MediaRights: News: Games for Change: Serious Fun
(Visited 5472 times)More discussion of the issues surrounding games for change, and the conference of the same name, has surfaced in a MediaRights article. There’s a Flickr photoset too.
Comic Con 2006
(Visited 11885 times)So today, we went to Comic Con.
Leave house: 10:30am.
Get downtown: 11:10am.
Find parking spot: 12:20pm. $5 (amazingly, most of the close ones were $20, but they were full. We had to park on the other side of Petco Park).
Make it to the convention center: 12:35pm. $20 by pedicab — no way the kids were willing to walk that in the heat.
Entrance for me and the kids: $25. (And a very nice ComicCon employee let us cut the line when he saw I had two kids in tow).