Recently, there’s been some chatter on the [ultima] Yahoogroup about macroing. Lots of talk about how the fixes for detecting macroing software are coming years too late. But we waged a silent war against macroing from very early on — not because of the gold farmers, as that was much less of a concern back then, but because of the basic mechanics of a use-based system.
OK, so there IS a TV show
(Visited 6980 times)Sort of. Check out Reality: Creating Kaos Episode 1. Then join the discussion already ongoing here.
New reality show
(Visited 9888 times)Given the new Sci-Fi Channel TV show Who Wants To Be A Superhero?, I think that some sort of bar has finally been crossed.
I hereby propose the “who wants to be an MMO developer” reality TV show. Watch hilarious auditions as people try to code a base object class or get an angry customer to stop flaming on a message board! Observe the challenges as the contestants propose themes, build maps, and run holiday events in a special themed episode! Watch them struggle as they are forced to adapt unsuitable licenses! Vote for which worlds stay alive and which ones go away, as contestants get “written off.” All leading towards the big prize of a a viable commercially running world with the potential for cross-media exploitation!
Oh wait, this is what we already have.
The Sunday Poem: Valley in Ancash
(Visited 6789 times)I look forward to the interpretations of this one from some of the politically inclined among you. 🙂
PK’ing duck: more on the vague game idea
(Visited 11283 times)So, last time, I had left off with the simple flapping prototype, with broken sideways movement. Where did I go from there?
Well, mostly, I went into two modes at the same time: one, thinking about the play experience, and the other, focusing on fixing the feed back that the model was giving.
Sorry, no fresh version today. 🙂 But read on for the thoughts I had: