Inspired by Jeff Freeman’s list of the top 100 blogs for MMO gamers, I used TouchGraphGoogle to build a map of the immediate vicinity of the MMO gaming blogosphere.
Method: I set the depth fairly low, and also set the minimum inbound links at 5 so that I started with only blogs that have fair amount of other blogs pointing to them. I used here, Zen of Design, Broken Toys, and Psychochild as immediate starting nodes. Then as new nodes appeared, I kept going outwards until they were no longer relevant to MMOs.
Lots of gaming news sites appeared, as did actual game sites and developers. I dropped those from the map as they appeared. If a site wasn’t predominantly “bloggy” I tended to drop it, with the exception of the few remaining all-MMO forum sites. A large chunk of map went away when I dropped links to Joel Spolsky and Lawrence Lessig even though they were “in the orbit” so to speak. Leaving out news blogs like Kotaku and Joystiq cleaned up the graph immensely — just assume that most of the game-centric sites linked to them.
Of interest is the way that the graph quickly gets into game studies as you head northeast. Northwest is where it would link to the rest of the techie web; Many to Many is a social software site, for example, and that’s where Joel on Software, Lessig, and so on lived before I zapped them. Southwest is clearly player land, and devs occupy the center.
A notable feature is the way that the first few Second Life blogs to pop up are clearly off to the side, not tied into the main MMO blog world. They connect via TerraNova, of course. I didn’t dig deeply into the SL side of the family — most likely, it would wrap around to the techie stuff that used to be in the northwest.
It’s clear that finding the “center” of the MMO blogosphere would be impossible. There’s a ton of sites that fell below the minimum # of links threshold.And I bet if Brian, Scott, Damion & I all joined forces for a group blog, we could maybe earn a whole dollar a month off AdSense.