Advice for new parents

 Posted by (Visited 14096 times)  Misc
Dec 082006

Friends of mine just had a baby (congrats, Scot!). As I was composing my generic email with congratulations and advice, it occurred to me that I have written this same email a dozen times now, and should just post it. 🙂 So here it is (written for a boy baby because that’s what Scot and Anita had):


My advice:

Sleep whenever the baby sleeps. You will be tempted to catch up on housework when the baby is sleeping, or catch up on work, or read email, or whatever. This way lies doom. Sleep whenever the baby sleeps. This is the single most important piece of advice I can give you.
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RAND and the EU tackle online games

 Posted by (Visited 5652 times)  Game talk
Dec 072006

OFCOM is the UK telecommunications watchdog group — independent, but chartered by the government to “further the interests of consumers” as regards telecommuncations of all sorts: TV, radio, spectrum, and high-speed data networks (meaning, the Net).

Last December, the EC proposed some new regulations for basically all forms of video; anything that provided a moving picture to the audience, basically. I gather there has been some controversy about the proposals, because they basically extend the practices of TV regulation to fields such as mobile video, games, and streaming video.

So OFCOM hired RAND Europe to do a study. It’s 200 pages. You can read the high level summary here: Assessing Indirect Impacts of the EC Proposals for Video Regulation.

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