CopyBot gets a ballad

 Posted by (Visited 4663 times)  Game talk
Jan 022007

…and there’s a prize for setting it to music. And I’m in one verse. How odd.

  2 Responses to “CopyBot gets a ballad”

  1. Yep yep, The Herald will pay 10K Linden to the best musical adaptation of the Ballad of CopyBot. Does anyone know if SL has an opera house?

  2. […] January 2, 2007 23:47 Site downtime again Looks like SQL was unhappy again, and my host helpfully locked down the site for me. This time, it looks like it was the “get recent comments” plugin, because there’s 30,000 comments on the site (that’s after deleting all the deleted ones and all the spam ones). I’m opening the site temporarily just to see if […] Source: Raph's Koster Website Categories: Bloggers 23:45 My five step recovery meme Just a minute, I’m still flipping through my little pink unicorns diary from when I was just a wee lad. Ten minutes later after flipping through the pages a dozen times… Shit, I don’t even have five entries in here, figures I didn’t write much back then either. Alright, alright. I wasn’t looking forward to […] Source: Pitfalls – Krones Categories: Bloggers 21:52 Okami halfway point Okami should have ended a few hours (of gameplay) ago. While I feel like I’m getting a good feel for how the game is played and that my skills have definitely improved, the game came to a proper climax and now is being dragged out. I’m not the first person to have noticed […] Source: Mischiefbox Categories: Bloggers 21:29 Dual Wield is for Noobs A monster Warcraft forum thread from September 2006 that delivers: The Rogue with One Sword. (For the Warcraft illiterate — rogues can learn dual wield at level 10. Before this thread, I would have said “rogues learn dual wield at level 10″, but now I know better … not all of them […] Source: AFK Gamer – Foton Categories: Bloggers 21:25 CopyBot gets a ballad …and there’s a prize for setting it to music. And I’m in one verse. How odd. Source: Raph's Koster Website Categories: Bloggers 20:55 Why the hurry? Complementary to the previous post about the Burning Crusade distribution is the interesting question of *why* everybody is so eager to start playing the World of Warcraft expansion on the very first… Source: Tobold Categories: Bloggers 20:10 Weather I’d better not lose power again. We lost power three times in two weeks, a record for West Seattle where, according to a neighbor’s friend, they hadn’t lost power once in over twelve year. I moved to the city to get away from power failures, and thought my UPSes were superfluous, a way to prevent […] Source: Mischiefbox Categories: Bloggers 20:01 See, This Is Why I Live In Texas We choose to place a giant banana in geostationary orbit in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard. Source: BrokenToys – Lum Categories: Bloggers 18:55 Top Ten Top Ten Lists Top Ten Yahoo Searches The Top Ten Stories You Missed Top Ten YouTube Videos The Top Ten Internet Villains The World’s 10 Worst Dictators Top Ten Funniest Political Quotes Top 10 Scams Top 10 Documentary Films Top 10 Robots Top Ten Top Ten Lists Source: Jeff Freeman – Dundee Categories: Bloggers 17:50 Burning Crusade distribution On January 16 the Burning Crusade expansion for World of Warcraft will come out and literally millions of people will want to get hold of a copy, and preferably start playing on the same day. But if… Source: Tobold Categories: Bloggers 17:39 Teremus Visits Stormwind Last week, while minding my own business and waiting for a guild-alt noobling to finish his quest turn-ins at Goldshire, I spied Teremus the Devourer, the farmer’s scourge of Blasted Lands, flying down the path to Goldshire, hot on the heels of his druid kiter. Many dead noobs and noob NPC guards later, the […] Source: AFK Gamer – Foton Categories: Bloggers 16:14 I Want to Play the Megalomaniac Psychotic Doctor There are rumors and whispers that Battlestar Galactica Online is in the works, being put together by Vivendi. Whether or not it is an MMO or a lighter online experience remains to be seen, although early indication is that it will be an XBox 360 exclusive. That being said, Scott’s talked in the past […] Source: Zen of Design – Ubiq Categories: Bloggers 16:06 The Burning Crusade is Gold Hat tip Cesspit.  Tuff find.  Gold means the master CD or DVD has been burned.  Problems: 1. The Beta and the Orginal game still dislike each other.  2. Jewel Crafting… […] Source: D-One – This is Not A Community Categories: Bloggers 12:28 Prediction: 97% Of The Sixes Will Be Played By Males Damion has a link to the apparently announced Battlestar Galactica Online – one of the few product announcements I can handily pass off to a previous blog entry! “Dude, this game sucked since the New Caprica expansion. The devs have clearly never flown Raptors.” On the other hand, this will be the first MMO that has in-game […] Source: BrokenToys – Lum Categories: Bloggers 08:26 Updated blogroll I updated the blogroll, and simply called everyone a ‘Friend of the Show.’ I haven’t added a million links, but added some few that I read often. Source: Matt Mihaly Categories: Bloggers 06:45 Five things about me Damion asked nicely, so here goes. Please note that there are a lot of things about me that I prefer not to be common Internet knowledge, so self-censorship is heavily implied. 1. I’m a professional journalist. That is to say, I’m trained to do it (bachelor’s in journalism/mass communications, Kansas State University, class of 1998) and […] Source: Damned Vulpine – J. Categories: Bloggers 06:02 Some year-end site stats Around 375,000 unique visitors to the site in 2006, visiting around 760,000 times, for an average of 2 visits per person, accounting for 225GB of traffic, all told. (That’s not including 3.3m hits and 80GB of bot traffic). Most people visit on Wednesdays. The fewest visit on Saturdays. 1/5 of visitors add the site to their […] Source: Raph's Koster Website Categories: Bloggers 02:24 Weekend Design Challenge: Have a Happy New Year! Take it easy this week. If you’re itching for a challenge, go do the one from last week. I hope everyone is having a happy new year and that the coming year brings everyone the joy and happiness they deserve. Have fun! Source: Psychochild Categories: Bloggers 02:17 Cryptic Runs Verizon Yesterday, Verizon was offering a free ringtone as a new year advertisement, presumably as a way to show off their new deluxe system and get people started on that sort of thing. This plan worked brilliantly, except that the system was unavailable, busy, crashed, etc. every time I tried to use it over the […] Source: KillTenRats – Ethic Categories: Bloggers 01:20 I’ve Been Memed! I’m afraid I’m not as exciting as some people, including the people who have memed me. So you’ll just have to blame Lum and MMOGNation for being subjected to this. Edited to add: “this” being “a list of five things most people don’t know about me.” 1) I’ve been dead. But I’m feeling […] Source: Zen of Design – Ubiq Categories: Bloggers 00:39 Looking Forward, Looking Back As we enter the new year, it’s worthwhile to talk about where we came from, and how it will affect things moving forward. In many ways, 2006 was good for me, at least personally. I got married, which I should definitely mention in the ‘good’ category. Also, I got the best job […] Source: Zen of Design – Ubiq Categories: Bloggers […]

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