The Experimental Gameplay Workshop

 Posted by (Visited 3504 times)  Game talk
Jan 032007

The Experimental Gameplay Workshop has posted its 2007 Call for Participation. Jonathan Blow says,

The Experimental Gameplay Workshop is a concentrated mini-conference that happens yearly at the GDC. If you’re working on an innovative / experimental / original game, we encourage you to check out the web site and submit your work.

Some of the games from past years have been really very cool, so to all you developers and designers out there — go submit.

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I met Nolan Bushnell btw

 Posted by (Visited 4388 times)  Game talk
Jan 032007

Around New Year’s. And this blog post over here has the story, sort of. I didn’t blog it because, well, it was a party, a social event thing. But since that blog describes the whole thing, there you go. My daughter makes a cameo appearance too (she would be the girl asking about DS wireless).

Alas, I was too busy playing guitar to stop and play Blokus with Nolan Bushnell. In fact, I don’t think he knows that I am in games at all, because all I did while he was there was lead the singalong!

He did, however, say that my playing “The Rainbow Connection” was “good stuff, good stuff.”

Jan 032007

Yesterday, what with all the site issues, I forgot to provide a pointer to the excellent Appelcline & Allen article on Collective Choice: Experimenting with Ratings article over at Life With Alacrity. It’s a really really good breakdown on how rating systems work and how to address common problems with them (such as the “Lake Wobegon problem” where “everyone is above average”). It even includes algorithms.

Rating systems are something that aren’t much used in online worlds today, but should be. Yet another thing where the games have stuff to learn from the web.