iPod-based recording studio

 Posted by (Visited 5431 times)  Music
Jan 102007

I really shouldn’t lust after this given that I have no iPod. But I do anyway. It’s basically a digital mixer for iPods, with four inputs (two phantom powered XLR, looks like), EQ and pan controls, a preamp, records direct to iPod, and it also works as an offboard soundcard/mixer for your computer.

We now return to your regularly scheduled gaming stuff.

Earth Eternal is announced

 Posted by (Visited 5989 times)  Game talk
Jan 102007

Earth Eternal is the new MMO from Iron Realms, which of course runs Achaea and other text-based games. The graphics look charming and given their experience, I expect the gameplay to be pretty solid — and like their other games, it’s going to be free to play, with upsells for in-game items. Looks like quite a competitor to Runescape, in that case. Worth checking out.

I love the fact that this is a FAQ:

So many MMOs run out of money before release. Will you?
No. We’re completely funded, to the point where we can release and then operate for months with absolutely no revenue if need be. Earth Eternal will be released, period.

Dual widescreen

 Posted by (Visited 14852 times)  Misc
Jan 102007


At work, we got dual 4:3 monitors, and I loved it. I’ve mentioned before that I’ve been using MaxiVista to extend my desktop onto my Tablet PC. But that has some issues — though the new version that just came out is pretty nice. For one, I use WiFi, and it really works better over a wired connection. For another, the Tablet’s TFT and my widescreen monitor are not the same physical size. Lastly, getting them to sit level with one another was annoying.

Continue reading »

Jan 102007

Looks like Nyko is making an adapter for old controllers to the PS3. Hopefully it will work for Guitar Hero guitars — since I have four of the damn things, and expect to get 2 more for the 360!

And I haven’t tried, but I presume old dance mats also don’t work on the PS3 since they lack the PS3 button? So useful for that too, maybe.

Once this show up, I’ll be able to move the PS2 out of the room altogether, since I have yet to bump intoany games, be they PS2 or PS1, that don’t work on the PS3… except for FFXI, that is, which is on the hard drive. I don’t play it anymore, so that’s no big worry for me…

Jan 102007

I am shamelessly reprinting a bunch of stuff from Clickable Culture’s post on this because, well, I love stats.

  • 69% of Gen Nexters say new technologies make it easier to make new friends, compared to 53% of Gen Xers.
  • 86% of Gen Nexters are at least occasional internet users, compared to 91% of Gen Xers, 73% of Baby Boomers, and 46% of Seniors.
  • 51% of Gen Nexters say they sent or received an instant message in the past 24 hours, compared to 22% of Gen Xers.
  • 54% of Gen Nexters have used a major social networking site such as MySpace, 38% say they use it once a day, 38% say they use it once a week. 44% have created a social site profile.
  • 49% of Gen Nexters say they play console-based videogames, compared to 35% of Gen Xers, 13% of Baby Boomers, and 3% of Seniors.
  • 36% of Gen Nexters say they’ve played videogames in the past 7 days (of that 36%, 51% were males).