Bloginati — a handy site
(Visited 5670 times)Jan 152007
Bloginati gathers up the RSS feeds for all the MMO developer blogs, it looks like. Shorter than signing them up in a feedreader, I suppose.
Alas, it only grabs the gaming category from here. Which means you miss out on the awesome Sunday Poem I posted yesterday. Really. Go read it. 😉
7 Responses to “Bloginati — a handy site”
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I may change it to just pull all the feed data from each website, because about 1/3rd of them didn’t seem to work with categories in the feed. For the sake of “balance,” I should probably just let every random thing any of us says show up on the site. 😉
[…] Gracias a Raph Koster he descubierto Bloginati, una página que recopila las últimas entradas en blogs de desarrolladores de MMORPGs. Obligado para cualquier fan del género. Buscar […]
[…] Bloginati — a handy site […]
I use FeedReader‘s smartfeed and nested folder features for aggregating information from various sources.
Now I just need to figure out how to contact Ryan and get him to add to the list. 🙂
I’ve been running something similar for almost a year, but you have a better list, Ryan. Permission to pilfer?
[…] January 15, 2007 23:11 Burning Crusade: An Experiment I think it’s silly that Blizzard isn’t offering zero hour digital downloads of Burning Crusade, so I’m using an RMT company to experiment with a sort of “third party” digital download. The way it… […] Source: Brandon Reinhart Categories: Bloggers 22:31 Accessibility You might have noticed that in these pre-BC days I’ve written a lot about other games, both specific reviews and generalizations. While the question “what makes a good MMORPG?” isn’t going away,… Source: Tobold Categories: Bloggers 20:57 The World Waits for the FedEx Guy (or Gal!) This is fun: watching the growing panic on the World of Warcraft forums as the world (of warcraft) anxiously awaits delivery of The Burning Crusade. Here’s some to get you started: – “No more processing” (Probably 2 million people pumping the My Orders button on the EBGames site has destroyed their servers.) Best Buy preorder […] Source: AFK Gamer – Foton Categories: Bloggers 20:42 Rolling Restarts and 2.0.5 Patch Notes Rolling restarts have begun for all realms in preparation of The Burning Crusade launch tomorrow. Patch 2.0.5 notes have also been posted, which really makes all the weekend downtime seem worth it.. Source: AFK Gamer – Foton Categories: Bloggers 20:17 Wayback Machines Are Teh Funny Nothing makes future people feel more smug than making fun of past people. It’s so easy, even a caveman can do it! Since the iPhone was announced, I thought this link sent to me by a reader who wishes to remain anonymous might be a little apropos. (Why does everyone wish to remain […] Source: Amber Night Categories: Bloggers 20:16 WoW Abducted My Wife [World of Warcraft] Seriously, she is crazy. She is playing when I am at work, this is not fair! She is leveling and I can’t keep up. She is making friends and has to stop to chat every time we go on a quest together. Level 21 already! I never made it past 29 (on […] Source: KillTenRats – Ethic Categories: Bloggers 20:10 Hellgate to Slap In MMO Functionality Real Fast One of the more interesting articles that spurred a lot of discussion last week was this Gamespot article on Hellgate that purported that the game might become an MMO once you hit a certain point in the game. Money quote: Roper explained that the cool thing about Hellgate: London is that you can play […] Source: Zen of Design – Ubiq Categories: Bloggers 17:40 Bloginati — a handy site Bloginati gathers up the RSS feeds for all the MMO developer blogs, it looks like. Shorter than signing them up in a feedreader, I suppose. Alas, it only grabs the gaming category from here. Which means you miss out on the awesome Sunday Poem I posted yesterday. Really. Go read it. Source: Raph's Koster Website Categories: Bloggers 16:43 Something facinating and something stupid From Reuters, India: This article shows you what you’ll find if you head off the beaten track from western headlines. Clad in a saffron robe, Gyaltsen left Tibet in July 2005 and crossed Nepal… Source: SunSword Categories: Bloggers 16:30 The Crushbone Factor I keep mentioning it, so I think it’s time to dedicate a post to it: The Crushbone factor. As the term dates back to the time where Everquest had a near-monopoly grip on the MMOG market it is maybe a… Source: Tobold Categories: Bloggers 14:16 Memo to bloggers Stop making me visit your site If you don’t deviate revenue from yer site, for fucks sake sweetie, make your entire feed available via RSS. *cough* Tobold *cough* Kill ten rodents *cough* a land of plague *cough* others *cough*! Yeah, fix that fucking RSS feed, not like your content is good enough to make me risk […] Source: MMODIG – unbeliever Categories: Bloggers 12:42 What makes a great MMOG I’m not a designer, or a pundit who theorizes alongside the heads and armchair intelligentsia documenting hundreds of pages on mmog mechanics churning out an insipid thesis and touting it as the end all be all mmog gospel. Nine out of ten ideas have already been thought up and bandied a million times by you […] Source: Pitfalls – Krones Categories: Bloggers 12:25 Response Times [City of Villains] For villains level 30-35, the Talos Island mayhem mission is bugged. At least for my character it was; maybe it is Mastermind-related, I have no idea. I ran it three times, and the hero failed to spawn each time. For the non-CoVers, mayhem missions are timed missions where you […] Source: KillTenRats – Ethic Categories: Bloggers 11:56 LOL @ Tvangeste Hahaha. Check out this video. I love Tvangeste, but damn dude take off the Ray Bans before shooting your pilot video. Doesn’t that shit fall off when you headbang? The imagery of black metal is… […] Source: Brandon Reinhart Categories: Bloggers 11:41 wii wee made my local news nintendo is so going to win this console war, sheer brilliance Source: MMODIG – unbeliever Categories: Bloggers 09:21 The Power of Convention I was reminded of the power of convention tonight while watching the 2nd season-opener of HBO’s Rome tonight. I love this show, and as I’m not a huge Sopranos or Deadwood fan, consider it the 2nd best show on television (after The Wire, obviously, which makes almost everything else ever put on television look a […] Source: Matt Mihaly Categories: Bloggers 07:19 I Am… Dr. Doom Your results:You are Dr. Doom Dr. Doom 82% Lex Luthor 75% Magneto 66% Apocalypse 62% Riddler 61% The Joker 58% Catwoman 56% Dark Phoenix 53% Poison Ivy 52% Mr. Freeze 50% Green Goblin 49% Juggernaut 41% Mystique 37% Kingpin 33% Venom 31% Two-Face 29% Blessed with smarts and power but burdened by vanity. Click here to take the “Which Super Villain am I?” quiz… I’m just glad that extremely lame supervillains like Black Manta […] Source: Zen of Design – Ubiq Categories: Bloggers 06:58 The game design behind the five things blog meme First, let’s start off the exercise with an example. Here are three things about me (because I write too much for five to be worth wading through), as requested by at least two enchanting human… […] Source: Lost Garden – Danc Categories: Bloggers 06:33 Another One? Already? Didn’t Serpent Spine (you know, the EverQuest expansion I really liked) just come out? It’s time for another one already? Clint Worley, Producer, Sony Online Entertainment: As the thirteenth expansion for EverQuest, The Buried Sea will continue to challenge players with two new worlds to explore, ship-to-ship combat on the open seas against swash-buckling pirates, […] Source: MMOG Nation (Zonk) Categories: Bloggers 06:00 MMO Development Lesson #1 Do not launch an unfinished product. There may be extenuating circumstances that somehow necessitate the launch of a buggy product from a business perspective, but the game will most likely fail in today’s market, especially if it’s not particularly unique. Do everything in your power to launch a high quality, polished product, because first impressions […] Source: Nerfbat – Grouchy Gnome Categories: Bloggers 05:36 I’m hot, sexy, have red hair and a Vagina! In real life I’m also hot (imo), sexy (imo) and have red hair (though balding), thing is I sport a penis, this test is off. Although I am a mangina… Your results:You are Dark Phoenix Dark Phoenix 69% Venom 66% Dr. Doom 66% Catwoman 66% Lex Luthor 64% Mystique 63% The Joker 56% Magneto 55% Juggernaut 55% Kingpin 53% Mr. Freeze 51% Apocalypse 50% Riddler 49% Poison Ivy 43% Green […] Source: MMODIG – unbeliever Categories: Bloggers 03:41 Geeeooooorrrgggeee Buuuuuussssshhhhhh! I wish the link were funnier, but I wanted to say that the stray thought that George Bush is the real-life Leroy Jenkins made me laugh. Source: Zen of Design – Ubiq Categories: Bloggers 02:10 Zero patience for cable. Austin’s Fox station needs to die in a fire. I wanted to watch this 24 season six premiere and there’s this HUGE winter storm advisory taking up 15% of the screen for the two or three people who live… […] Source: Brandon Reinhart Categories: Bloggers 01:45 Media whoring at it’s finest Found this ‘press release’ via Seems Second Life might not be the biggest media sluts out there. In a you- have- to- be -shitting- me move, Redlightcenter released their own press release in which they proudly say that everything that makes people get all blame- games- for- violence! will be present. Now, you’d expect a […] Source: MMODIG – unbeliever Categories: Bloggers 00:35 100% Chance of Weather I have never seen such a confident weather forecast ever before in my life. I can’t help but wonder what sorts of grades the Underground Weatherman received. I’m betting lousy. Source: Jeff Freeman – Dundee Categories: Bloggers […]