Big name SF/F goes to the small screen
(Visited 8608 times)Jan 172007
Not one, but two! Variety reports that George R. R. Martin’s books in the Song of ice and Fire series will become an HBO series, with A Game of Thrones being the entire first season. And has the news that Neal Stephenson’s The Diamond Age: Or, a Young Lady’s Illustrated Primer will be a miniseries. Very cool. As if I didn’t have enough to record already… (Gawd, I wrote “tape” there, dating myself…)
10 Responses to “Big name SF/F goes to the small screen”
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Thanks for passing on the news Raph. That makes my week. You even scooped GRRM’s own web site. 🙂
Hey, sweet. I’m just in the middle of A Game of Thrones now and am quite enjoying it.
Awesome. Song of Ice & Fire would make a great series and I think HBO might just do it justice after watching Rome (actually I imagine it being very similar in tone).
I do find it somewhat hard to imagine Diamond Age as a miniseries. Stephenson is a great writer but I think he often fails to nail the endings of his books and Diamond Age is particularly guilty of this. It’s more an idea book held together by Stephenson’s great dialogue. I hope to be surprised though.
Don’t leave out the slightly lesser-known, but highly excellent Dresedn Files series, also coming to the Sci Fi Channel on Jan 21!
That’s wonderful news. I recently picked up A Feast For Crows and have been going through the first three books again to get back into the story. Since Peter Jackson brought LotR to the screen, I’ve been wondering if the Martin books would make it and in what form. A series is perfect!
Now I just have to cross my fingers that the show makes it to Korea in some form. Rome has been on cable and DVD here, but the Sopranos and Deadwood have shown up DVD only.
Not interested in George, but Neal is way cool.
[…] January 17, 2007 23:53 Filling experience Last weekend, “are we there yet!” cries erupted on the beta Vanguard forums after an unknown entity set Vanguard’s leveling curve from moderate down to glacial as it gets. I first fell victim to the news as I slay even cons whom barely pushed my experience forward and this was at a whopping level seven. […] Source: Pitfalls – Krones Categories: Bloggers 23:16 Big name SF/F goes to the small screen Not one, but two! Variety reports that George R. R. Martin’s books in the Song of ice and Fire series will become an HBO series, with A Game of Thrones being the entire first season. And has the news that Neal Stephenson’s The Diamond Age: Or, a Young Lady’s Illustrated Primer will be a […] Source: Raph's Koster Website Categories: Bloggers 22:46 The Burning Crusade Proves Me Wrong Seriously, and for truly, I don’t mind that the only prognostigatory statement I thought for sure would be true has turned out … not so much. From everything I’ve seen, the launch of Burning Crusade has gone very, very smoothly. There were queues at peak time, yeah, but despite the snarking I think everyone appreciated […] Source: MMOG Nation (Zonk) Categories: Bloggers 22:36 My Insightful, In-Depth Impressions of Burning Crusade I dislike lag. Source: BrokenToys – Lum Categories: Bloggers 22:18 6th Time’s the Charm! Warning: This post is nothing but venting. Bad customer service from giant corporations is not news. I just got done having the single worst customer service experience that I can recall having. Thank you so much, Bank of America. My problem, so I thought, was a simple one. Iron Realms took out a commercial loan from BoA […] Source: Matt Mihaly Categories: Bloggers 22:04 Job Search Adventures with and I’ve cut down on my blog writing (and reading), cut down on my game playing, cut down on nearly everything. I’m extremely uncomfortable, it seems, with doing anything but looking for work. My days are spent working on job skills (I have tried out some new development environments and today am looking at the Lua scripting […] Source: Tipa – West Karana Categories: Bloggers 21:27 WoW’s First 70 Not okay. Not even a little bit okay. A French guild basically power-leveled a mage to 70 just so they could. Sick, sick, sick. In an interview with World of, Gullerbone, who reached level 70 with a mage class character called Gawell, told how he had help from 40 in-game friends working with him around […] Source: MMOG Nation (Zonk) Categories: Bloggers 20:21 Using NWN for basic learning skills Blog reader Dragon sends in this note: Raph, Haven’t seen anything about this on your blog yet – if you’ve already written about it then I missed it. Thought you might be interested in this article on the BBC tech news about a company adapting Neverwinter Nights to use it to encourage learning in schools. The […] Source: Raph's Koster Website Categories: Bloggers 19:53 Burning Crusade Update The French’s luck with the Burning Crusade has proven better than their luck with the actual Crusades. OK, lame setup, but it still merits mention that a French player has already hit level 70 in WoW, a scant 28 hours after the expansion launched. This is after many players posited it would take […] Source: Zen of Design – Ubiq Categories: Bloggers 19:40 Pro Roleplaying It went past on The Forge’s blog early this month with little commentary outside the post, but it made my eyebrows go up. Iron Realms sprang for two fulltime positions for their flagship MMOG Achaea. These aren’t developers or designers – they’re “Assistant Producers for Roleplay“. As Assistant Producer for Roleplay, you will help to ensure […] Source: MMOG Nation (Zonk) Categories: Bloggers 19:14 The Icepocalypse Continues… Work called off again. Yesterday I was taunting Will for working weekends off a free four-day weekend, but now I’m getting concerned. 😛 No way to check my work mail from home. I’ll have to remedy… […] Source: Brandon Reinhart Categories: Bloggers 18:42 More adventures in Telon prehistory In Today’s Entry: I’ve left F13, The two main aspects of a good MMORPG, Vanguard, and a little Zelda. Well, I’ve given my tearful farewells to F13 (actually, I just wrote a big message to build up… Source: Geldon Categories: Bloggers 18:00 NWN2, PSU, S&M I haven’t updated recently because I haven’t had much worth writing about, but hey, why let that stop me? Coming at the end of my weekend (since my Sunday is no day off) I’m feeling melancholy. Add… Source: Geldon Categories: Bloggers 17:58 Nothing to F.E.A.R. Monday was entirely consumed by more green quests for Kand. 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I have the Collector’s Edition with the “I’m cooler than you, nub” netherwhelp, but I don’t have THE BINDER. Total price, […] Source: AFK Gamer – Foton Categories: Bloggers 17:26 Great news for the Stargate MMO MGM has announced two Stargate-SG1 movies! That brings out my inner geek (I was a huge fan of the series. I have to admit since I’ve moved to the UK, I haven’t watched it as much, but I still want… Source: SunSword Categories: Bloggers 17:16 The Lukewarm Crusade [World of Warcraft] I decided to cash in some of my gift cards from Christmas and ordered online two copies of the World of Warcraft expansion, the Burning Crusade. I was surprised to get an email soon after telling me to come on in and pick them up, one for me and one for my […] Source: KillTenRats – Ethic Categories: Bloggers 17:07 Day 3 It’s day 3 of the ICEPOCALYPSE. Here’s my front yard as of 15 minutes ago: Terrible photograph, but I’m not going outside to take a better one. I’ve been playing loads of EQ2. Since Friday, I’m coming up on 25 hours or so. And given that a) my front yard looks like the above, […] Source: Lietgardis Categories: Bloggers 15:59 My first day in Burning Crusade Once I had the Burning Crusade up and running, I started by moving my main character undead priest through the Dark Portal into Outland. Took the flight path to Thrallmar, and rode through Hellfire… Source: Tobold Categories: Bloggers 14:56 Character Transfers Galore! Quite a few realms are now available for free transfers. Blizzard has also reset the server transfer cooldown on all realms. I can already see the dollar signs in the eyes of Blizzard’s management team.. Source: AFK Gamer – Foton Categories: Bloggers 13:43 For Stupid Contest Names, God Demands A Sacrifice Super Burning Crusades Massacre Edition! Yet another video-game related death, and this time it’s murderrrrrr! From Gamasutra: Woman Killed In Wii-Related Competition A twenty-eight year old Sacramento mother of three has died of water intoxication after taking part in a local radio competition to win a Wii console. Jennifer Strange was found dead on Friday at her home […] Source: Amber Night Categories: Bloggers 12:24 What it means to be Australian The most fun three minutes you’ll have with your clothes on, or something Not as good as last years. Source: MMODIG – unbeliever Categories: Bloggers 10:53 Ding 20! Kalarioch hits level 20 in Bloodmyst with 14 hours played. Day one was a good run. I’m unlikely to play that much in such a short time for quite a while. Horray for the Iceapocalypse! I’ve completed… […] Source: Brandon Reinhart Categories: Bloggers 06:25 The Green Monster Nate CombsCurt Schilling’s MMOG startup venture is attracting much attention (e.g., see 1., 2.), less for its proposition than for its messenger. Over the years Curt has built a considerable reputation in the off-season as a dedicated online game player and… Source: Terra Nova – Academics playground Categories: Bloggers 06:15 BC Launch: Smooth as a troll’s bottom Since this is their first expansion, you have to give Blizzard some slack. After all, unlike the famous Kunark incident, they actually had product for sale. (Ask your long time EQ playing friends about how Sony forgot to make enough product to fulfill their preorders, much less people wandering in off the street. […] Source: KillTenRats – Ethic Categories: Bloggers 06:13 FrostFallen The site outage has made this a bit tardy, but my band of adventuring kin did get the chance to check out the extremely awesome FrostFell event Sony has laid out in EverQuest II. I’m not going to go into an in-depth description here, as Van Hemlock has done a good job with that, but […] Source: MMOG Nation (Zonk) Categories: Bloggers 06:00 Fighting Player Perception One of the biggest challenges we have when developing massively multiplayer games is fighting player perception. That is, combating the opinions about the game that players hold which are not necessarily mechanically sound. It’s hard to really define what I’m talking about here, but if you’ve played an MMO or two in the past, you […] Source: Nerfbat – Grouchy Gnome Categories: Bloggers 04:26 When 10 Hours Is Not Enough To Appreciate True Awesomeness For a while, the Second Life backlash was going so strong that I was considering, albeit briefly, actually whipping out a couple of posts in defense of the Linden Labs boys and sticking up for them, just to be contrarian. But to be honest, I can only take so much of the fanbois who […] Source: Zen of Design – Ubiq Categories: Bloggers 03:51 Azjol-Nerub is Full, Position n queue: 942 Yikes. I guess that’s what I get for logging out to get new mods. I’m up to level 16 and burning through content. Had to sleep a bit though and play some Lego Star Wars 2 with the fiancee (she’s… […] Source: Brandon Reinhart Categories: Bloggers 03:42 RSS feed check Move along, nothing to see here, issues with RSS feeds again, sigh, curse feedburner and bloglines. Source: MMODIG – unbeliever Categories: Bloggers 00:44 Blizzard vs. Pessimism Welcome dear sports fans to this exciting event in which Blizzard tries to beat the pessimism of Tobold’s Burning Crusade release day chaos predictions. The rules are simple: I try to buy, install,… Source: Tobold Categories: Bloggers 00:06 I’m Weak Source: MMOG Nation (Zonk) Categories: Bloggers […]
This is so incredibly exciting. Best tv news I have heard in a looong time. =)
I am pretty stoked about NS’s Diamond Age. The whole time I was reading that book I thought it would make a good movie/mini-series. I don’t agree with StGabe on his repeated party-line about your boy’s endings. I have never had a problem with his endings… Sometimes in life things don’t really end the way you think they should, or feel that they should…and I find Stephenson’s work to feel natural that way.
I should probably read Martin’s stuff and catch up. Not that I have HBO…but if it’s good, I just might pony up for it to watch it.
Having traveled to the currently ice-locked mid-section of the country and finding net access (and electricity) somewhat scarce at times, I’m now finally reading “Diamond Age” (having long ago read “Snow Crash” and “Cryptonomicon”), so I might be interested in the mini-series as it will be relatively fresh in my mind. I do, however, hope the ending isn’t as bad as mentioned above. I’ve enjoyed his other work, but agree that endings aren’t his strong suit.