They’re spending time where??
(Visited 14632 times)Jason Miller has an article which is mostly about whether 2007 will be the year of the online game — apparently he’s the initial source of the idea that Nabeel Hyatt was talking about.
What fascinates me, though, is the difference between the list of top games based on market share, versus the top games based on time spent. Time spent, of course, speaks to monetizing via ads. So, the first list is already heavy on titles that the mainstream online game industry tends to ignore or minimize the importance of. Check out the second list and tell me how many of them you even know?
Hitwise’s Top US Game Sites, In Terms of Market Share
2. Yahoo! Games
3. RuneScape
4. Yahoo! Games Downloads
5. MSN Games
8. Miniclip Games
9. Addicting Games
10. Yahoo! Fantasy SportsTop US Game Sites, In Terms of Average Session Time
3. Hogwarts Live
4. Eternal Kingdoms
5. Hogwarts Extreme
6. Cyber Arcade World
7. Gothador
8. Gang-Wars
9. Game Bonus
10. The Pokemon Crater
So, fascinating things about this latter list:
- Many of them let users win cash prizes.
- Several of them are sites that make use of major IP without authorization.
- None of them are what we consider “the top online game portals.”
- Several of them are web-based MMOs which probably cost a pittance to develop
- Several are aggregators of multiple games, but not all, and #2 is for chess!
16 Responses to “They’re spending time where??”
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yeah. i followed that same blog link back a few days ago. looked those sites up on alexa. all i said was wtf? for example: “Traffic Rank for 233,089”
uh. okay.
i have no idea where he got those numbers. not entirely sure they’re accurate. if 10 players are spending 10 hours a day on a site, does that mean it’s noteworthy?
and, the cash prizes thing is crazy. it’s all the rage in the minor league web mmo passive game scene. browse and see:
[…] Bloggers January 22, 2007 22:41 RPG Vault interview RPG Vault published an interview with me this morning. I’m pretty happy with it. My #1 goal with Earth Eternal when speaking to the press and prospective players right now is to try and manage expectations. We’re a small team with a small budget, and so I’m doing my best not to overpromise or hype […] Source: Matt Mihaly Categories: Bloggers 22:31 Earth Eternal Forums are open. I opened the Earth Eternal forums yesterday and we saw about 1600 posts in the first 15 hours or so. I immediately had to bring on moderation/community management help, as I hadn’t expected quite this much activity at this stage. Good omens, good omens. Source: Matt Mihaly Categories: Bloggers 22:27 My Job People often ask me what my job is. The pat answer is that I’m the CEO and Creative Director of a small online games company. Most people kind of look at me and then ask, “Yes, but what is it you do?” I’m going to try to give an answer to that in this post, […] Source: Matt Mihaly Categories: Bloggers 21:39 The Problem With Blogging… … is that occasionally, a reader will send you something that makes your head explode. And with that introduction, I present the Abortion-Themed d20 pen and paper sourcebook. Louis Porter Jr. Design, in association with Devil’s Workshop, announces the most controversial product to be released for D20 since the Book of Erotic Fantasy. The Choice […] Source: Zen of Design – Ubiq Categories: Bloggers 21:39 Blog trolls The big disadvantage of that Boing Boing link is that it got read by lots of people outside the sphere of MMORPG players. And obviously if you don’t play a MMORPG, most of my blog entries seem silly… Source: Tobold Categories: Bloggers 20:59 Fear the nerf bat … WoW Forum discussion about the most nerfed class in WoW. 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And now, an inch and a half of snow in Tucson and Phoenix. I think we broke it. Source: Raph's Koster Website Categories: Bloggers 19:59 Goodbye Molten Core I got a mail from Stargazer asking me “How is all the new quest rewards going to affect us, who hasn’t yet had a lvl 60 character. I mean are we ever going to see the inside of said instances as… Source: Tobold Categories: Bloggers 19:47 They’re spending time where?? Jason Miller has an article which is mostly about whether 2007 will be the year of the online game — apparently he’s the initial source of the idea that Nabeel Hyatt was talking about. What fascinates me, though, is the difference between the list of top games based on market share, versus the top games based […] Source: Raph's Koster Website Categories: Bloggers 19:40 The Unbaised Vanboy Once in awhile I like what I write well enough to cross post it somewhere. Here’s a little post I wrote up that, I realized in retrospect, provided a really good explanation as to where… Source: Geldon Categories: Bloggers 18:51 WoW Journal – 22-January-2007 This is going to be a long one, an account of my first couple of days in the Burning Crusade. The short version is that my undead priest made it to level 62, and jewelcrafting 325, plus he got a few… Source: Tobold Categories: Bloggers 16:59 Virtual World Has Billions of Residents Edward CastronovaIt’s called First Life. Read a beta review here…. Source: Terra Nova – Academics playground Categories: Bloggers 16:23 Anime WoW Probably the best WoW Machinima I’ve seen to date yet. Source: Zen of Design – Ubiq Categories: Bloggers 16:20 Legitimacy issues from Horseshoe I’m not really a bastard, I just disowned my parents. 😉 Er, wait, not that issue of legitimacy. I mentioned previously ( about a gathering called Project Horseshoe, where some game designers discussed various weighty issues. I brought up the issue of legitimacy in games and participated in a discussion about this topic. Well, our initial report has been posted up on the web. ( So, what new thoughts can you find on there? Source: Psychochild Categories: Bloggers 16:16 My Brief Gears of War Review It sure is… grey. Source: Zen of Design – Ubiq Categories: Bloggers 15:25 Boing Boing linked I got linked to by Boing Boing, one of the big news portals of the internet. I still remember when I first got slashdotted, and my daily visits jumped from around 20 to over 1,000. But times have… Source: Tobold Categories: Bloggers 15:20 Which armor set is this? The OS X version of the WoW model viewer doesn’t have (or rather doesn’t display) BC armor: the names aren’t indexed. So what armor set is Jol in The Exodar wearing? Source: Mischiefbox Categories: Bloggers 15:01 Troll or No Here’s an unexpected ending to a World of Warcraft forum post: Friends Are Friends – No Matter What. I thought it was going to end with raunchy sex behind an Arizona GameStop on BC Launch night — how wrong I was! If you’re a skeptic, you might enjoy some of the responses from the […] Source: AFK Gamer – Foton Categories: Bloggers 14:06 Psychochild visits A Dark Corner Sick of all the usual dev chats, I’m trying something differant; 1 gamer, 1 dev, 1 room, no topic. Thanks to Psychochild and Pabloex for being good sports. Here’s to many more no BS no topic chats. Psychochild has joined #snatch * Psychochild arrives in style! ;P * pabloex has joined #snatch [unbeliever] ok, this is wierd [unbeliever] but you know […] Source: MMODIG – unbeliever Categories: Bloggers 14:00 BC hits the New York Times You all seen them: The type of people who rush through the game to be the first at level X, shortly after a game releases or the level cap rises. So somebody proudly proclaiming that he was the first… Source: Tobold Categories: Bloggers 10:33 Yes, But Where’s Dr. Phil The OPRAH (Online People’s Revolutionary Army of Horseshoe) report is up. Apparently, the problem with online games is that developers don’t learn from history enough. Who knew! (As seen on Raph’s) Source: BrokenToys – Lum Categories: Bloggers 08:06 Project Horseshoe reports posted The various reports from Project Horseshoe are posted. I was in the group working on the online games. You may notice that the major initiative there is to create a Wiki that attempts to summarize current best practices in the industry: We hope to have this Wiki populated to a first pass soon, and […] Source: Raph's Koster Website Categories: Bloggers 06:00 MMO Development Lesson #2 Launch dates matter. This is especially true if there is a behemoth in your launch date midst, ready to launch just before or just after your game or expansion. You should really do what you can to launch your game at least a month or two before or after the 800lb gorilla’s SKU hits the […] Source: Nerfbat – Grouchy Gnome Categories: Bloggers 05:01 Project Horseshoe Report: Building Innovative Games that Sell The 2006 Project Horseshoe reports are out! In the place of my irregularly scheduled essay, I’d like to point you toward the collaborative report that I’ve been working on with our appropriately… […] Source: Lost Garden – Danc Categories: Bloggers 02:29 The Case for First Life Here. Source: Raph's Koster Website Categories: Bloggers 01:18 Xenosaga Ep III: Also Sprach Zarathustra. Thanks to there being no MMOG’s out there currently worth my money, I finally got time to play and finish the final installment in Monolith’s Xenosaga trilogy. Story and backstory can be found at this link, warning spoiler! Not even going to attempt a summery of a story this insane myself heh. Basically a interactive movie […] Source: MMODIG – unbeliever Categories: Bloggers […]
exactly m3mnoch. The “stickiest site on the web” is not really that relevant a statistic. It could be a site that 10 employees of a company are required to use 8 hours a day while at work but happens to be on the Internet.
That’s why I was advocating for something more akin to the Avg Time Spent * Number of Unique Visitors. That approaches a basic metric for the “Attention” that a particular game/site/product is receiving. And that should be the thing that most advertisers and media types would be interested in.
can i get an amen? average man-hours ftw!
[…] Miller has an article which is mostly about whether 2007 will be the year of the online game — apparently he’s the initial source of the idea that Nabeel Hyatt was talking about. […]
The previous comments are right, but that’s not the whole picture either. If you are making an assumption that these sites make their money off ads, then it’s a question of #UU’s, time per user, ads viewed per user (because how you serve them up will vary based on game/content/etc), and the price you can get for the ad sale. The latter of these is dependant to some degree on all the above , but also on how well your audience maps to teh advertiser’s desired customer, how effective the ads are, etc.
In short, it’s complicated 🙂
Does this not imply that what you (Raph) refer to as the mainstream really isn’t?
How do they check time spent on web based MMOs?
Does it include or exclude the six hours a day it stays hidden behind the Outlook window when at work?
If the advertisers pay by click through, how many people click through to an ad while they’re trying to concentrate on a game of chess? If they don’t why not? Are brand awareness ads the only ones that will work while the player is actively doing something else?
[…] The Real Online Game Business? Raph Koster has a most intriguing pair of articles on his web site that essentially ask the question – what is the online game business? In “They’re spending time where?” he discusses the top online gaming sites by time and market share and, for a change, Second Life and World of Warcraft aren’t mentioned. The game sites listed are not the usual suspects at all (from 2007, The Year of the Online Game? by Jason Lee Miller): Hitwise’s Top US Game Sites, In Terms of Market Share 1. 2. Yahoo! Games 3. RuneScape 4. Yahoo! Games Downloads 5. MSN Games 6. 7. 8. Miniclip Games 9. Addicting Games 10. Yahoo! Fantasy Sports Top US Game Sites, In Terms of Average Session Time 1. 2. 3. Hogwarts Live 4. Eternal Kingdoms 5. Hogwarts Extreme 6. Cyber Arcade World 7. Gothador 8. Gang-Wars 9. Game Bonus 10. The Pokemon Crater Of course, no data is provided on non-US users or sites (though I suspect these numbers include non-US users at US sites). The other interesting question raised is that there are a huge number of independent game sites with casual, and not so casual, games that may be where the “real” money is BUT, because they don’t tie into the conventional Venture Capital / Research Analysis world (or even the “experts” in online gaming)… they just aren’t measured. Also, the power of gaming as part of an overall business strategy is something that should have a lot more attention – and Raph’s article on the toy Webkins is a great example. There are massive, untapped business opportunities that are lying at our feet if we’d just look past our navels. See also Internet Ad Future is A Load of Bull by Jason Lee Miller. Posted by SecurePlay in Game Industry, Game Demographics & Metrics, Game Design at 10:08 | Comments (0) | Trackbacks (0) View as PDF: This entry | This month | Full blog Trackbacks Trackback specific URI for this entry No Trackbacks Comments Display comments as (Linear | Threaded) No comments Add Comment […]
[…] Raph’s Website � They’re spending time where?? […]
Interesting results, but previous posts seem to be on target. if the average number of users is low vs time spent then its misleading.
or rather:
Is it better to have a small loyal user base (low volume/high stickiness) or a large user base that churns frequently? (high volume/low stickiness).
I dont think these are mutually exclusive.
From a cash inflow/outflow perspective, it’s obviously ideal to have a huge user base that logs in infrequently and pays a subscription. The qualifying statement is important – otherwise i might have to feel something other than a savage loathing for Second Life.
[…] The Real Online Game Business? Raph Koster has a most intriguing pair of articles on his web site that essentially ask the question – what is the online game business? In “They’re spending time where?” he discusses the top online gaming sites by time and market share and, for a change, Second Life and World of Warcraft aren’t mentioned. The game sites listed are not the usual suspects at all (from 2007, The Year of the Online Game? by Jason Lee Miller): Hitwise’s Top US Game Sites, In Terms of Market Share 1. 2. Yahoo! Games 3. RuneScape 4. Yahoo! Games Downloads 5. MSN Games 6. 7. 8. Miniclip Games 9. Addicting Games 10. Yahoo! Fantasy Sports Top US Game Sites, In Terms of Average Session Time 1. 2. 3. Hogwarts Live 4. Eternal Kingdoms 5. Hogwarts Extreme 6. Cyber Arcade World 7. Gothador 8. Gang-Wars 9. Game Bonus 10. The Pokemon Crater Of course, no data is provided on non-US users or sites (though I suspect these numbers include non-US users at US sites). The other interesting question raised is that there are a huge number of independent game sites with casual, and not so casual, games that may be where the “real” money is BUT, because they don’t tie into the conventional Venture Capital / Research Analysis world (or even the “experts” in online gaming)… they just aren’t measured. Also, the power of gaming as part of an overall business strategy is something that should have a lot more attention – and Raph’s article on the toy Webkins is a great example. There are massive, untapped business opportunities that are lying at our feet if we’d just look past our navels. See also Internet Ad Future is A Load of Bull by Jason Lee Miller. Posted by SecurePlay in Game Industry, Game Demographics & Metrics, Game Design at 10:08 | Comments (0) | Trackbacks (0) […]
Well… for having spent a small amount of time (around 5 months) in the active “minor league web mmo passive game scene”, I can tell that the number of subscriptions AND active players was quite above expectations for a really small web game.
So seeing those numbers aren’t quite a surprise to me. As said before, how those statistics were compiled is questionable but still, it seems that there’s quite a huge market to get in touch with in this league.
My feeling is that the “modern” MUD trend went to “get in quick get out fast” games. Anyone heard of Hattrick? Quite a successful web game that I’m sure some of the big heads are able to make a living of… And no, I’m not involved with it.