NYT on the Slamdance aftermath

 Posted by (Visited 5660 times)  Game talk
Jan 282007

Heather Chaplin, co-author of the excellent Smartbomb: The Quest for Art, Entertainment, and Big Bucks in the Videogame Revolution, has an article up on the New York Times website examining how Slamdance actually went, in the wake of the SCMRPG! controversy. A few samples:

Mr. Baxter then said exactly what he had studiously avoided saying for two weeks: “Absolutely, games should be judged by a different criteria than film. I just don’t accept a direct comparison.”

Acknowledging that the event was seriously compromised, Mr. Roberts let the attendees vote on whether to award any prizes at all at this year’s competition. On Monday evening they decided not to.

All in all, the tone is somewhat sad, I think.

  One Response to “NYT on the Slamdance aftermath”

  1. There’s a tasty epilogue that is a bit sad, but more inspiring overall. Catch it in Gamasutra on tuesday.

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