Upgraded to 2.1

 Posted by (Visited 5409 times)  Misc
Jan 282007

I also installed WP-Cache2 (Thanks, Charles!) If you see any broken functionality, post here.

  20 Responses to “Upgraded to 2.1”

  1. Yes, the Sunday poem is missing : (

  2. yes…there seems to be a poem missing…:p

  3. Yes, apparently it has.

  4. The ‘Academics’, ‘Comics’, ‘Game devs’ etc labels on the right hand side extend out of the frame. Have they always done that?

  5. Apparently what has, Mox?

  6. Apparently the moderation queue has eaten the comment that would make that make sense 🙂

    I was asking about the RSS feed, seemed all I had to do was update the link details.

  7. Can you provide more details? If the RSS feed is broken in some way, I definitely want to know about it!

  8. Previously, I’d registered Firefox to receive a feed from http://feeds.feedburner.com/RaphsWebsite – this morning, I noticed it was complaining so popped over here to see what’s up. I found this post about upgrading, so thought I’d mention RSS troubles. As I was typing a note, I realised that the URL might have changed during some upgrades, and I found the RSS icon now links to https://www.raphkoster.com/feed/ – so I updated my live bookmark to this address and now it works.

  9. The feed via FeedBurner is upset because your website wasn’t responding to its queries; it’ll probably start working again soon. I fixed it locally by using a direct feed, but if everyone does that then it might increase traffic to your server 🙂

  10. Glad you got things running again, Raph! 🙂

  11. Oh, it’s still having issues, trust me. 🙂

  12. JuJutsu, you using IE? I just noticed that the headers are huge in that browser, for some reason. Worked until the upgrade. 😛

  13. Can I throw out some constructive criticism on your design?

    #1 thing, it’s very very cluttered. I’m sure that I don’t have to tell you that the user being bombarded with so much at once is not a good thing – even if it’s all good and useful, they’re going to overload at the quantity of the things they’re being presented with and not really try to process it.

    I would look at every single one of the ~1000 links, and sections, that you have going up the left and right side, and ask yourself A) do I really need this on the front page, and B) do I really need this at all? Do your readers really care about the recent trackbacks? Do we really need to see every single month in the archive? Why not have a ‘recent posts’ section listing the last 5 posts, then a separate archive page entirely which acts as an index? The google search field would also go perfectly on the archive page. Keep the link to buy your book, but move the other stuff under a “other cool merchandise!” link – maybe have the book-buy link go to a page that has all your merchandise, rather than taking them straight to Amazon.

    In the past, especially when using IE, I’ve also had technical problems with your site – in particular when I tried to copy/paste from the page. Also I was sometimes unable to scroll all the way to the bottom of your pages. If I were you, I would go do a check of a random selection of really old pages on your site – I’ve seen broken images on several old articles that heavily referenced the diagrams there. Personally I think you have too much javascript going on – if nothing else, for this “preview” box. It’s cool, but is it really a value-add – especially when it probably makes navigating and using the page slower? Your site sometimes feels like I’m navigating through molasses compared to other, simpler sites.

    Sorry for all of this being criticism. Obviously I wouldn’t have noticed these things, or cared enough to point them out, if I didn’t read like your blog and read it regularly. Keep the great content coming, but I hope you streamline the package it’s delivered in a little!

  14. Hi Raph,
    your feeds have changed from full-text to partial. Any chance you could put them back?

    That might save you some cpu too, as then people can read the text from feedburner rather than having to go to your site to see the whole thing.

    Plus partial-text just sucks 🙂



  15. Hmm, according to WordPress, it’s at full text. Possibly Feedburner is truncating them, I’ll check there as well.

  16. IQPierce,

    We’ve been feeling that it’s overly cluttered for a while. Our joke was “It’s February, time to redesign the site again!”

    In terms of the links — without doing some PHP hacking, I have limited control over the archives presentation. That’s why we were running the plugin that showed only by year, rather than every month. But I turned that off to see if it helped performance.

    I use pretty much everything on the left sidebar all the time (OK, I don’t use the archives, but traffic logs show that many people do). The Google search box gets hit heavily, and I use usually multiple times a day. I use trackbacks regularly, for example, because I follow the links to see the extended discussion. I’m currently annoyed that I no longer have the “current users online” on the front page, because I referenced that a lot.

    The stuff on the right sidebar, though — I use the link to Amazon all the time, but the blogroll I actually never use. 😛 I do regularly get requests to have people added to it though.

    On IE — it’s periodically given us fits. 🙂

    So overall, I agree. The site could stand a redesign again. I am unsure that has much to do with the CPU issues, but the point is well-taken.

  17. RodeoClown, looks like for some reason, the “More” tag I am using on the site is translating into a partial text feed on those items. I don’t know why, but it’s annoying. The behavior used to be that I could use the More tag on my site but the feed went out full text. Grr.

  18. Thanks for checking it out. It is slightly annoying 🙂

    You don’t like having the full text on your front page?

  19. Heck no. I sometimes write 5000 word articles here! The front page would be enormous.

    Turns out this was a change made in WP 2.1. See here:

    Lots of arguing with WP about how it should change back

    I will install this fix because I liked the old behavior.

  20. The full-text feed should be back. But now for some reason, the little “digg this” and “delicious” thingies are present on the website, but not in the feed, which is backwards. 😛

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