The Sunday Song Lyric: Shannon

 Posted by (Visited 6874 times)  The Sunday Poem
Jan 072007

I don’t have a recording of this one, so you’ll just have to read it as verse. It’s a story song, really, so in that sense a lot less like the more imagistic poems I have tended to put out there lately.


Takes a lot of elbow grease to get the stains from the counter
Residue of hamburgers and quickie lunches
Shannon’s Diner charges a dollar for a hamburger
And chances are Shannon herself makes it
At fifty-four she flips her burgers and hates it

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Braid ditches Slamdance in protest

 Posted by (Visited 23096 times)  Game talk
Jan 062007

“Braid won’t be at Slamdance because of SCMRPG getting dropped,” is the short form. Read on for the details…

As many of you probably know, there’s this game called Super Columbine Massacre RPG!, an oldschool-style RPG about taking the roles of Klebold and Harris, killing kids in school, then dying, going to hell, and coming to some awareness of what they’ve done. The game is pretty divisive — the creator seems serious in his intent to create an artistic response and commentary about the Columbine shootings, but of course many simply find it to be in poor taste.

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Visual history of the Middle East

 Posted by (Visited 6243 times)  Misc
Jan 062007

I am so happy to see this animated map of the history of the Middle East, because for many years I’ve dreamed about seeing a map like this for the history of the world. This only covers the major empires and other large developments, not each small country or tribe (hmm, how hard would the four-color problem be with a time axis? Automatic switching of colors?), but it’s still a wonderful and illuminating 90 second history lesson.