Jan 062007

So I finished reading these books ages ago. Kristen was kind enough to do all the legwork of getting the links and pics in place here, and get the post ready for me to fill in the actual review content. And then I didn’t do it. I mean, these books were part of the same pile as the last book review set I did! So I read them all well over a month ago.

Better late than never, right? So here we go.

The first book in this set was Ellen Kushner‘s excellent Swordspoint. It was a wonderful tale of a world where bravoes lived by the sword and fought for the amusement of petty nobles, and a single duelist, the astounding St. Vier, was the pinnacle of the art of the sword. Then came the somewhat less good The Fall of The Kings, set in the same world but much earlier, laying the groundwork for the world of the first book. Somehow more muddled and less satisfying, less full of panache really, it didn’t work as well. Now comes a third book, The Privilege of the Sword, and it’s a return to form in many ways — the tale of a young girl who is brought to the capital not as a debutante, but by her mad uncle (a returning character from Swordspoint) to learn to handle the sword. It still has the flavor of decadence and the surprising sweetness of the other books, but the young and ornery protagonist helps quite a lot to make it a lighter and less involved tale than the last book. If you liked Swordspoint (and really, most fantasy fans should have at least read it) I suspect you’ll like this one too.

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Finding women developers is hard

 Posted by (Visited 5187 times)  Game talk
Jan 042007

So, it’s all going great here with the new company. Tons of resumes flowing in from a variety of sources, and we’ve already made one hire. But one of the big challenges we’re having is trying to build a diverse team on the gender front. We see this as important because, well, teams of men tend to make games for men. And that’s not what we’re about — as the website says, we’re after something for anyone.

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The Experimental Gameplay Workshop

 Posted by (Visited 3511 times)  Game talk
Jan 032007

The Experimental Gameplay Workshop has posted its 2007 Call for Participation. Jonathan Blow says,

The Experimental Gameplay Workshop is a concentrated mini-conference that happens yearly at the GDC. If you’re working on an innovative / experimental / original game, we encourage you to check out the web site and submit your work.

Some of the games from past years have been really very cool, so to all you developers and designers out there — go submit.

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I met Nolan Bushnell btw

 Posted by (Visited 4400 times)  Game talk
Jan 032007

Around New Year’s. And this blog post over here has the story, sort of. I didn’t blog it because, well, it was a party, a social event thing. But since that blog describes the whole thing, there you go. My daughter makes a cameo appearance too (she would be the girl asking about DS wireless).

Alas, I was too busy playing guitar to stop and play Blokus with Nolan Bushnell. In fact, I don’t think he knows that I am in games at all, because all I did while he was there was lead the singalong!

He did, however, say that my playing “The Rainbow Connection” was “good stuff, good stuff.”