Site downtime again
(Visited 5539 times)Looks like SQL was unhappy again, and my host helpfully locked down the site for me. This time, it looks like it was the “get recent comments” plugin, because there’s 30,000 comments on the site (that’s after deleting all the deleted ones and all the spam ones).
I’m opening the site temporarily just to see if we get errors again — if we do, it’ll shutter again briefly while I ponder what to try next.
Edit: looks like disabling the plug-in did the trick. However, it also looks like there’s a newer version of the plug-in that hits the database a lot less often (instead of every time the site is hit, it only hits it when a comment arrives). So I will try installing that tonight when I get home from work when I can watch the site to see if it is overloading again.
CopyBot gets a ballad
(Visited 4666 times)…and there’s a prize for setting it to music. And I’m in one verse. How odd.
Vietnam restricts online gaming
(Visited 16532 times)The BBC reports that Vietnam has restricted game session length to five hours, because of concerns over addiction. This of course ties in with China’s regulations, which lately are getting more attention because of their focus on content and expression (e.g., submitting games for approval, and having them reviewed monthly for banned religious or political content), but which were kicked off with the government-imposed three-hour session limit. China later gave up on enforcing this against adults — we’ll have to see if Vietnam follows suit or not.
Some year-end site stats
(Visited 8540 times)Around 375,000 unique visitors to the site in 2006, visiting around 760,000 times, for an average of 2 visits per person, accounting for 225GB of traffic, all told. (That’s not including 3.3m hits and 80GB of bot traffic).
Most people visit on Wednesdays. The fewest visit on Saturdays. 1/5 of visitors add the site to their favorites.