Even Russia gets real life PKing

 Posted by (Visited 15572 times)  Game talk
Jan 302007

The Moscow Times reports that a Virtual Conflict Ends in Real Death, as a leading Lineage II player allegedly stomps another to death. Ironically, the person who died was trying to break up the fight, which started because the two player clans were rivals or something.

This isn’t the first time this has happened, of course, though it’s the first time I’ve seen it reported in Russia. There have been Korean and Chinese cases previously. I guess it’s spreading.

It’s going to be interesting over the next few years to watch good and bad press about virtual worlds try to outrace each other in different territories.

Full text feeds are back

 Posted by (Visited 7221 times)  Misc
Jan 302007

Apologies for their disappearance — turns out it’s a changed behavior in WordPress 2.1, changing the “more” tag to affect feeds as well as the front page.

I installed this fix and it seems to be correct now.

Next gen community relations

 Posted by (Visited 11683 times)  Game talk
Jan 302007

I’m with Tide’s Horizon on this one — it’s about time that more developers embraced the web the way LOTRO plans to.

More interesting is that the game is going to support extensive and complex community functions that twine with the actual gameplay. A Google Maps version of Middle-earth will be accessible to subscribers. Each character you create will get his or her own page on the game’s official website, and you’ll be able to blog it. Minigames on the website will affect your real progression in (currently unspecified) ways. The site will also feature an online Wiki encyclopedia of info about the LOTR Online universe. All in all, it sounds like a very robust package of community tools.

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MUD-Dev archives not lost forever

 Posted by (Visited 7629 times)  Game talk
Jan 302007

Richard Tew, member of the MUD-Dev2 mailing list, has helpfully posted up an archive of MUD-Dev messages. Alas, it only covers 1996-2000, so it is incomplete, but many of the peak years will be present.

The MUD-Dev archives have always been one of the best resources for online world designers — not just in the discussion, but also just because it seemed that whateverr you wanted to talk about had probably been discussed before. I used to make a habit of re-reading the archives every year, because gems would always pop out at me.

Jan 292007

Dani Bunten named to AIAS Hall of Fame – News at GameSpot

To this day, M.U.L.E. is my favorite game ever. I have a major soft spot for Seven Cities of Gold as well. I have both of them running in emulation on my phone, actually. I made the head of programming for the Sci-Fi Channel light up with glee when I showed him that.

I never got to meet Dani, alas. The first GDC event I went to was the one she had to cancel because she was ill. She passed away just a few months later.

I’ve lost count of how many times I have pitched “M.U.L.E. Online.” A lot.