MTV’s virtual hillscape

 Posted by (Visited 5334 times)  Game talk
Jan 182007

Lest anyone doubt that major media companies are serious about the virtual space, I have to point out that MTV’s announcement of ‘Virtual Hills’ means that they will shortly have more MMO titles launched than Cryptic or Blizzard (well, unless you count CoV as a full game). Disney’s at three, which puts it ahead of much of the pack and tied with Turbine. EA has launched four and SOE five. In NC’s case, it depends whether you count the Korean ones and the “casual” games…

More importantly, this is MTV’s second one in six months. At this rate, you do the math.

Jan 182007

This Slamdance saga is getting silly at this point. The latest news is that DigiPen has forced Toblo to rejoin the festival. Apparently, DigiPen, basically a videogame trade school, asserts IP ownership over student projects.

Coming from a liberal arts sort of background, this kinda shocks me. I can’t recall any colleges claiming IP ownership of student papers or of books written while there. I suppose it’s common if it’s research sponsored by school. Does DigiPen supply financial support to student projects?


 Posted by (Visited 50180 times)  Game talk
Jan 172007

With the launch of Burning Crusade, people are already commenting on how much the value of older items has dropped. I’ve seen folks who are new to the whole expansion thing wondering about past games, and whether the same was true, and how much the buying power of past currencies fell in the wake of expansions. They even asked for links to studies.

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