DDR rolling out to all West Virginia schools
(Visited 4588 times)Feb 012007
I can personally attest to the fact that you can lose weight very efficiently with Dance Dance Revolution. Now, the state of West Virginia agrees as it rolls out DDR to all its public schools.
Next up, Wiis for everyone! Not that you can find enough Wiis…
4 Responses to “DDR rolling out to all West Virginia schools”
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What we need is some kind of combination of DDR and the Wii. Maybe Wii Sports: Kickboxing or something that uses both the wii controllers AND DDR pads. If such a thing existed, I would be much more in shape than I am right now!
That’s great. Anything to get kids in shape, I’m all for.
Has DDR been a weight loss help for you, really? I’ve wanted to try it forever. I should blow the dust off B’s xbox, and pick up a copy for myself. I’m going to have some work to do next month. Maybe I can DDR during nap time.
Once I got up to a decent level of difficulty, a half hour of DDR burned over 300 calories (based on their internal step counting method, of course, so who knows how accurate it is). It’s basically a fairly intense aerobic workout.
I did a half hour every morning for several months. I lost about 15 pounds when I stuck with it and also adjusted my diet to cut out sodas and french fries and such.
I need to get back on it, probably, because I’ve gained back 7 of those since my racquetball games turned erratic (funny, I was able to play regularly when I wasn’t in the office every day… now, I keep missing the games even though my partner sits 10 feet away).
The best versions are over on the PS2 though… I have five or six, plus In The Groove and Pump It Up.
Have you checked out the new online game that’s being put together by Acclaim? (http://dance.acclaim.com) They are working to incorporate support for the dancing pads and allowing you to connect with people online. It looks pretty cool I think.