Reminder: UCSD event today

 Posted by (Visited 6031 times)  Game talk
Feb 082007

This is just a reminder that i will be at the UCSD virtual worlds event this afternoon.

  5 Responses to “Reminder: UCSD event today”

  1. in person, or virtually?

  2. I will be there in person. 🙂

  3. Sad, but I’m not going to be able to attend after all. I’m swamped at work today over at Mira Mesa and can’t afford to cut out for this event, which is too bad because I would’ve liked to meet you. I’m sure there’ll be other times though.

    There will be a downloadable mp3 after the event, right?

  4. No idea, but they are doing a live webcast.

  5. […] that UCSD gaming event I was at back in February? Well, I was alerted to the fact that the bit I was on is on YouTube. I […]

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