Imaginary Realities also resurrected

 Posted by (Visited 11114 times)  Game talk
Feb 132007

Imaginary Realities was a webzine covering MUDs and virtual world development from the late 90s into 2001., and was also a central hub for discussionThen one day it went away. And just like the recent MUD-Dev archive case, a full mirror has been posted. There seems to be some controversy over the copyright status, but it’d be a shame to have this material disappear because of that. It’s also mirrored here as HTML and as a .gz tarball.

  6 Responses to “Imaginary Realities also resurrected”

  1. Quite a selection. There are a few of your articles that are not archived here, such as Games as Art. I still need to get around to writing a rebuttal… I noticed that the graphics and the author index were not mirrored. Are these materials lost?

  2. No idea on the graphics.

    Pretty sure the article you reference is on my site here. It was reprinted a couple of places back in the day.

  3. Olde tyme post: Acting Casual About Casual Gamers…

    Thanks to Raph, I found some of my older writing online. Back when I was an active poster on MUD-Dev, the online ‘zine “Imaginary Realities” asked to republish some of my posts. In the interests of preserving these posts, I’m reposting them here …

  4. […] a recent post on Raph Koster’s website directed me to a mirrored version of the e-magazine, Imaginary Realities, hosted by Tharsis Gate. […]

  5. […] a recent post on Raph Koster’s website directed me to a mirrored version of the e-magazine, Imaginary Realities, hosted by Tharsis Gate. […]

  6. […] to Raph, I found some of my older writing online. Back when I was an active poster on MUD-Dev, the online […]

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