Today’s outage…

 Posted by (Visited 5978 times)  Misc
Feb 182007

…was apparnetly caused by too many concurrent MySQL connections. As usual, nothing had changed. And we were doing so well lately!

In any case, I did notice that the Google Feedreader blog decided to reprint “But is it art?” and boost my subscribers by 30% in one day. 😛 Maybe that had some effect.

Anyway, there seem to be a few lingering effects which I am working on fixing now. And I will get a Sunday Poem up before bed!

  2 Responses to “Today’s outage…”

  1. If you are using Feedburner and noticed the jump in subscribers from Google Feedreader there, it’s because Google is now reporting subscriber numbers. There’s a good post about it, over at, which contains links to the relevant Google & Feedburner announcements along with some commentary.

  2. Bizarrely, the RSS feed off no longer works, but the feedburner one does!

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