For Jonathan Z of CTIN 482, Pizer’s class
(Visited 5368 times)Feb 222007
There’s now a PDF download of “Storytelling in the Online Medium” available here:
- Storytelling in the Online Medium (1MB PDF)
And if you aren’t Jonathan, well, enjoy a blast from the past. This talk is now 5 years old, and although the examples are dated, I don’t think the state of the art has moved forward in most of these areas. Except for that whole little ARG thing, of course. 😉
4 Responses to “For Jonathan Z of CTIN 482, Pizer’s class”
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Jonathan, in addition to that PDF you can also check out an outline of Ragnar Tornquist’s “Storytelling in Games” at as a supplemental resource 🙂
Thanks so much for posting that up for me (and the other Mac users in Patricia’s class)! We read your “Theory of Fun for Game Design” as our first assignment and I think it would be safe to assume that you’re our official class hero.
I am reluctant to be anyone’s official class hero! But you’re welcome.
It gets even better, Raph; in a few years, you will be the “elder statesman of virtual worlds.”
Picked out your wool cardigans and meerschaum pipe yet? 😀