fl0w PS3

 Posted by (Visited 7823 times)  Game talk
Feb 242007

So, after wrestling more with my network connection on the PS3, I downloaded this. My impressions comparing it to the Flash original:

You control by tilting the controller, rather than pointing. This took a little while for me to get used to — like, midway through the first level (“snake”). And my hands are noticeably more tired than when I play the Flash one. The tradeoff is that the controls seem nimbler, with “flip over” moves now more possible.

The control on the Jellyfish level is also trickier, because you no longer move faster when spinning — instead you move slower, but you seem to suck in the things you eat.

But the Flash game ended there — whereas now, you can keep going. There’s a Fish level and then some sort of worm level where you have a hooked tail. I am just at the start of that one now.  I cannot tell if my game has saved my progress, but I have to leave for dinner…

In any case — it’s still fl0w. 🙂

  One Response to “fl0w PS3”

  1. I heard it’s a nice relaxing game, never played it myself, I wonder if I should get it hehe.

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