The Sunday Poem: Jungle Book, part III
(Visited 10257 times)I am running out of bits of the Jungle Book poem to post. 🙂 There were only seven segments that I finished, out of many more planned. Ah well, I doubt I will ever resume the project, given that it’s from 14 years ago. I was discouraged from proceeding with them by my thesis advisor, actually, who disliked the style — basically prosy, observational and imagistic.
The way these developed is that they were actually written based on room descriptions I had done for the LegendMUD Seoni Jungle area. When I read them now, they read less like poems about the original Kipling stories, and more descriptions of a place, a setting that is somehow a fantasyland, an ur-version of the Seoni, as if it were a real place that Kipling and I both dreamt of. That’s what gameworlds try to pull off, often, so it’s unsurprising that these read to me like poems about a gameworld with trees larger than possible, civilizations more ancient than history, and so on. And of course, often our gameworlds are greatly incomplete — lacking in solidity. As this poem says, “…everything is shaped… like the spaces between plants.”
The Streambed
Moss on all sides
Rock iridescent green
Dark rusty brown
Water drips with a tap
Tap tap tap
The stream is dry
But water flows across leaves
Dew trails trail
Streambed lined with rocks
Head sized round rocks
Held in place with plants
Like green sprays
Water crashing against
A coast a cliff a cranny
Walking on the skulled
Rocks the ant path
Trickles the trail
Fuzz on plant stalks
Shifts lights and shadow
And foliage whispers
The green takes over
The world and everything
Is shaped like leaves
Like stalks like roots
Like the spaces
Between plants
A wreck of rock tumbled
Like a heap of pebbles
Pried greenfingers
Leave mortar pulled
From rock and rock
Nothing is left here
But the Poison
a whirl
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