Kaneva comes clean

 Posted by (Visited 9417 times)  Game talk
Feb 272007

3pointD.com has the scoop on Kaneva. Definitely worth a read.

Kaneva had first announced quite a while ago, but then they seemed to go away to retool for a bit. Now they’re talking about being fully launched this summer. In short: a marriage between social network and virtual apartments, with stuff on your MySpace-equivalent page easily pulled into your virtual apartment.

  3 Responses to “Kaneva comes clean”

  1. Discussion: reBang weblog and Raph’s Website

  2. Kaneva’s Dimensionally Hybrid Social Network…

    A couple of years ago on the Second Life forums a few of us were wondering why Linden Lab wasn’t using Second Life as the core for a bigger social network. I recall key words from one of my own posts in that discussion, but like the “trade…

  3. […] Kaneva’s Dimensionally Hybrid Social Network blog.rebang.com Found 13 days ago they were thinking about doing something along those lines they didn’t move quickly enough. Mark Wallace over on 3pointD has posted (Link) that Kaneva , a company I’d read about some time ago, appears to be doing just what I’d described. Originally I thought Kaneva was all about providing an easy-to-use MMORPG engine, but going back now and doing some reading it appears they were more. […]

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