Areae’s still hiring…

 Posted by (Visited 7248 times)  Game talk
Feb 282007

But for all-new jobs! What we’re looking for:

  • An Art Director/Manager: someone who will be doing artwork of all sorts (3d, 2d, textures, concepts, models, etc — a versatile type basically), and managing artists remotely.
  • A Senior 3D Client Engineer to build a crossplatform 3D client. Gotta be someone who enjoys making killer tools, too.

We’ve got benefits, stock options, all that jazz. Drop a line to [email protected] if one of these people is you!

  8 Responses to “Areae’s still hiring…”

  1. Well, if you were hiring for something I was GOOD at doing, I’d drop you a line. Need a project manager? Maybe a tool developer who doesn’t have to be good at math? 😉

  2. If I could actually program.. lol I would be all over this, but since I can’t… need anyone to just sit and look pretty? Or maybe I can bring you coffee! LOL joking:) Good luck in your search:)

  3. Not hiring any curmudgeons eh?

  4. Id love to, but i don’t feel i have the full experience your looking for. I’m a very versatile artiest with a head for design and i do allot of directing at my current job.. I will however, on the off chance send you some samples of my work, and a link to my site when its finished.

  5. Need a lazy security guard? That is what I could do rather effectively:P

  6. Hah yeah I was gonna say… any unskilled labor positions available?

  7. Some call those “testers” but that is unfair, SDETs got madskillz too these days.

  8. I personally think proximity to The Incredible Cheesecake Company should be noted as a benefit and as leverage during negotiations.

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