Going big?

 Posted by (Visited 9676 times)  Game talk
Feb 202007

So of course the SLogosphere is all a-twitter over the contingency measures announced by Linden Lab in order to prevent extreme lag. The method? Blocking logins to non-paying players. Plenty of commentary at Clickable Culture (Tony also has a nice reaction round-up post) and 3PointD , plus many more places I haven’t bothered to click through to yet…

ReBang frames the whole thing in comparison with the recently Scobleized new platform Outback Online, which apparently brings in some peer-to-peer technology in order to alleviate network load.

That said, it’s deeply weird to me that given the nature of the issue, the thing that the Outback guys are touting to Scoble mostly involve graphics:

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The Sunday Poem: Moldering

 Posted by (Visited 6590 times)  The Sunday Poem
Feb 182007

This is likely to be the oldest poem I ever post on this site — it dates back to March of 1989. Yes, it’s that most horrific of artifacts, a poem from high school. At least one person who reads the blog has commented that he of course “skips over the bad poems from high school” — perhaps there is some meager consolation in the fact that this particular high school poem in fact won an award — I think it was at the district level or something.

Anyway, I’m not so foolish as to present the original version; this is actually the slightly revised version, cleaned up a little bit the subsequent year, after winning. 🙂

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Today’s outage…

 Posted by (Visited 5981 times)  Misc
Feb 182007

…was apparnetly caused by too many concurrent MySQL connections. As usual, nothing had changed. And we were doing so well lately!

In any case, I did notice that the Google Feedreader blog decided to reprint “But is it art?” and boost my subscribers by 30% in one day. 😛 Maybe that had some effect.

Anyway, there seem to be a few lingering effects which I am working on fixing now. And I will get a Sunday Poem up before bed!

Tech savvy European youngsters

 Posted by (Visited 6809 times)  Game talk
Feb 152007

OK, I must be getting old. I just called 18-24 year olds “youngsters.”

In any case, Media Life Magazine reports the following stats from a study:

  • 75 to 80% using email or instant messenger
  • 15% have ever created a blog
  • 19% have played MMORPGs
  • 25% use social networking sites

That figure is somehow both more and less than I expected for the MMO’s…