Happy Birthday, LegendMUD!

 Posted by (Visited 8603 times)  Game talk
Feb 152007

LegendMUD celebrated its 13th birthday yesterday.

It actually opened slightly earlier than that — it was in beta testing beginning sometime in the summer or fall of 1993. But Valentine’s Day, 1994, was the day we picked for it to open to the public and be announced on what was then the hub of all mud activity: the rec.games.mud.* newsgroups.

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Sparter: peer to peer RMT network

 Posted by (Visited 13650 times)  Game talk
Feb 142007

Via the ever-handy contact form here on the website comes a heads-up from Ding! Grats!? about fresh new venture-funded startup Sparter, which is a new startup in the RMT space. The full scoop is apparently over at Virtual Worlds, Real Profits, which I must add to my blogroll and regular feeds — an entire blog devoted to tracking the RMT industry.

So what’s Sparter doing? Well, it’s running a peer-to-peer network to replace the recently shuttered RMT marketplaces on eBay. Interestingly, it’s also backed by some high-powered folks:
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Imaginary Realities also resurrected

 Posted by (Visited 11114 times)  Game talk
Feb 132007

Imaginary Realities was a webzine covering MUDs and virtual world development from the late 90s into 2001., and was also a central hub for discussionThen one day it went away. And just like the recent MUD-Dev archive case, a full mirror has been posted. There seems to be some controversy over the copyright status, but it’d be a shame to have this material disappear because of that. It’s also mirrored here as HTML and as a .gz tarball.