Project Darkstar goes open source

 Posted by (Visited 9680 times)  Game talk
Mar 072007

So this is a nice development: Project Darkstar, which is Sun’s online game platform, just went open source under GPL — the annoucement apparently happened today here at GDC. It’s a pretty robust solution — you can write clients in whatever, you can use stuff other than Java with it, and you can make darn near any sort of online game with it — yes, including MMOs. It’s interesting to see something this complete offered up open source to the general public.

  10 Responses to “Project Darkstar goes open source”

  1. Project Darkstar → via Rapsipoo

  2. more individuals to in real time work on applications, 3) in world streaming live video. Project Darkstar just went open source under GPL, according to Chris Melissinos, Sun’s Chief Gaming Officer. “It’s a pretty robust solution,” says Raph Koster, on his blog

  3. Have you looked more closely at this yourself, Raph?

  4. Does it play nice with compressed XML?

    Damn, i feel a research project coming on…

  5. Sun remains amazing. Wow.

    I was hearing rumors awhile back that Second Life was getting a sneak peak at this code and was considering a migration. No details as yet!

  6. “Shardless” MMOGs are now a reality by removing the need to preallocate servers with fixed assignments to specific game regions.

    Damn does that mean more load screens? Or less with longer loads?

  7. It means that SERVERS can switch from handling one part of the world to handling another in a transparent manner. It doesn’t affect the client much.

  8. Okay. Who introduced the foreign substance into Sun’s precious bodily fluids? First Java. Now this.

  9. Despite the title on darkstar forums says the project *is* open-source, the announcement itself says it will be released in May.

    What is currently available has little to do with advertised features. Clustering seems to be missing entirely, as well as any real framework for game development beyond raw communication library.

  10. […] by anttiki on March 8th, 2007 As reported by Raph Koster: Sun’s flexible online game platform, Project Darkstar, is going to be released as open […]

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