Getting interviewed in SL today

 Posted by (Visited 5032 times)  Game talk
Mar 112007

As part of my SXSW activities, I’m doing an interview in Second Life with Adam Pasick of Reuters. He says I’m taking questions from the audience. Hooboy. Time to prepare evasions about what Areae is doing. 😉

Anyway, the details are there at that link. I guess it will be at the Reuters space…

  4 Responses to “Getting interviewed in SL today”

  1. 03/12 00:06 Info Island this week (Feedster on: secondlife) 03/12 00:00 Latest news (Feedster on: second life) 03/11 23:59 Got to be on Twitter? (Feedster on: second life) 03/11 23:57 Getting interviewed in SL today (Feedster on: second life) 03/11 23:57 Looking Inside the Second Life Data Centers (Slashdot) (Feedster on: second life) 03/11 23:44 YearlyKos Convention Coming to Second Life (Feedster on: second life)

  2. 1) What… is yer favorite colour?

  3. I should have kept SL installed just to go to these events.

  4. Is it soup yet?

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