SXSW 07: User-Creation in Gamespace

 Posted by (Visited 4485 times)  Game talk
Mar 112007 has a transcript of the panel on User-Creation in Gamespace that I participated in today at SXSW. It looks pretty complete, too!

  One Response to “SXSW 07: User-Creation in Gamespace”

  1. Will Be Accessible via Mobiles Korea Times, South Korea – 3 hours ago “Thus far, mobile users could not enjoy surfing the Web with ease due to weak functionalities of browsers and slow speeds, SK Telecom spokesman Kim … SXSW 07: User-Creation in Gamespace has a transcript of the panel on User-Creation in Gamespace that I participated in today at SXSW. It looks pretty complete, too! Private travel website Need a design and layout for a private travel company. -Slimbox -video -template

  2. Recent Comments: ¶ Raph’s Website on SXSW Xcript: User-Creation in Gamespace: has a transcript of the panel on User-Creation in Gamespace that I… ¶ Mark Wallace on SXSW Xcript: User-Creation in Gamespace: It is indeed, Keystone. Many thanks for providing the link.

  3. Will Be Accessible via Mobiles Korea Times, South Korea – 3 hours ago “Thus far, mobile users could not enjoy surfing the Web with ease due to weak functionalities of browsers and slow speeds, SK Telecom spokesman Kim …SXSW 07: User-Creation in has a transcript of the panel on User-Creation in Gamespace that I participated in today at SXSW. It looks pretty complete, too! Private travel website Need a design and layout for a private travel company. -Slimbox -video -template

  4. […] SXSW 07: User-Creation in Gamespace […]

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