UCSD event from February

 Posted by (Visited 4568 times)  Game talk
Mar 142007

Remember that UCSD gaming event I was at back in February? Well, I was alerted to the fact that the bit I was on is on YouTube. I haven’t watched it, but my memory of it is that I was somewhat incoherent.

The actual substantive discussion was posted as video on the UCSD site.

  5 Responses to “UCSD event from February”

  1. More coherent than some of the other guests, but I was really surprised to see Ge Jin there, I haven’t seen him do any live presentations before, and it was really cool to see some of his personal commentary on the documentary.

  2. but my memory of it is that I was somewhat incoherent.

    Well, yeah, you were asked to come up with something to say on the spot.

    One more thing… I’m on YouTube! See that big silhouette at the front of the stage? That’s me!

    I couldn’t find anywhere else to sit, having came in late.

    I was really surprised to see Ge Jin there, I haven’t seen him do any live presentations before …

    Jingle and I have discussed, and will continue to discuss, him speaking at a future IGDA San Diego event.

  3. By the way, Raph, during that whole event, you were squeaking your shoes and tapping the little microphone table. I swear I thought of crumpling the event program and throwing it at you. 😉

  4. Very cool stuff. Who were those other people on the stage?

  5. Noah Wardrip-Fruin, the moderator. Ge Jin, aka Jingle, director of the documentary on gold farming. Julian Dibbell, author. And William Huber, games researcher. You should be able to see their presentations at the link above as well.

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