This is non-fiction

 Posted by (Visited 5255 times)  Game talk
Mar 202007

Yes, meetings (and pitches!) like this actually happen.

Well, sort of. 😉

  8 Responses to “This is non-fiction”

  1. […] This is non-fiction […]

  2. I’m so shipping an Excel MMO this summer as the first ever BeOS exclusive.

  3. These guys knew they had a chance when Yawn Online was ripped off to become AC2, and World Without World Online to become DDO.

    Heck, everyone should be encouraged by the success of WoW, which I hear actually started as (HBO) Hypnotic Breadtrail Online.

    Further encouragement can be had from various rip offs of PAS Online (Playit Again Sam Online).

  4. Using OpenCroquet to do a virtual 3D pitch would be so much better 😉

  5. Third life, very meta.

  6. It’s been done. There’s quite a popular Massive Multiplayer Online Spreadsheet called “EVE Online”. Oh, and it has spaceships too.. 😉

  7. Excel the MMO?

    The end game the instance: “Pivot Table of Doom”

    Walk through:
    Its a 40 man raid instance you’ll need a good balance
    of classes for this. Do not bring anyone who can recite Pi to the 100th, they are probably noobs. Accountants, Analysts, and a few Actuaries, with mad skillz. (You wont need a data miner unless you plan to hax the instance.) You are allowed to spam Fx, but using VB code will cause the instance to reset.

    I’m only playing this until that relational database MMO comes out in 08′ Oh I just cant wait…..

  8. I rolled on the floor laughing and then I cried a little bit. Parody is usually making fun of some truth somewhere. The truth in this is that slightly less exagerated versions of that pitch are still getting funding (Tyra Banks Online anyone?) while better ideas fall by the wayside. That’s a funny clip but its also a sad at the same time.

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