NASA gets into it too

 Posted by (Visited 5517 times)  Game talk
Mar 212007

It’s not just media companies getting into the MMO biz, now it’s government agencies too. You can read NASA’s full CFP here (16MB PDF).

Of course, NASA is a Johnny-come-lately to this party; the military has been exploring MMOs via partners for a very long time, as well as maintaining its own robust multiuser simulation community.

(via 3pointd)

Edit: Got this email from NASA: “Thanks for mentioning the NASA Learning Technologies ICPI on your site.  At this time the solicitation is being postponed.  I regret any inconvenience.” Oh well. 🙂

  One Response to “NASA gets into it too”

  1. […] � ���� �� � ������� � ���, ��� NASA ���� ���������� ������ ���� MMOG. ����� ����� �������. ������ ���-�� ����� ���������� ����������� �����, �� […]

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