Hugo nominees are out

 Posted by (Visited 9657 times)  Reading
Mar 292007

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I have only read two of the five novel nominees, guess I have some catching up to do! Glasshouse is sitting on my shelf waiting though.

  • Blindsight, Peter Watts (Tor)
  • Eifelheim, Michael Flynn (Tor)
  • Glasshouse, Charles Stross (Ace)
  • His Majesty’s Dragon, Naomi Novik (Ballantine Del Rey; Voyager as Temeraire)
  • Rainbows End, Vernor Vinge (Tor)
  • BTW, congrats especially to Naomi Novik — game developers know her as one of our own, formerly of Bioware. 🙂

      One Response to “Hugo nominees are out”

    1. It seems like His Majesty’s Dragon has been around longer than just a year. I bought it in the middle of my George RR Martin reading phase and haven’t gotten to it yet, but may have to get to it sooner than later. My reading list is growing faster than my reading time :/

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