Posted by (Visited 8814 times)  Game talk
Mar 302007

The Wall Street Journal has a good article entitled QQ: China’s New Coin of the Realm?

I have been tracking the QQ currency for a few years now — but I don’t think too many here in the West have paid much attention. So go read!

  7 Responses to “QQ”

  1. “Money wants to be free!”? I expected this, but not so soon.


  2. This kind of stuff makes me want to reread “Cryptonomicon”.

  3. Their concerns about inflation are very serious. The value of a (dollar/yuen/platinum/Linden$/collectors-item) money token supposed to be based on the amount of goods or service you can exchange it for… which depends on the perceived rarity of the money token.

  4. Hmmm. If there’s ever another world war, virtual money will go up in value while real money goes down. Virtual money, gold, and arts would be the places to invest.

    Just kidding. 🙂 (besides, another world war might pretty much end…. everything)

  5. […] coins make the Wall Street Journal Raph Koster caught the Wall Street Journal article on QQ coins. Not too much new, if you’ve been following […]

  6. Will they manage to wrest an expression from the l33tspeak community using a currency aimed at whiners?


  7. Heheh, yeah there is going to be some serious QQ when the forces that effect open market operations, floating currency and the virtual currency tied to it start being manipulated…..QQ indeed.

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