Mar 102007

The article includes some choice quotes from what my partner John Donham called my “Khrushchev moments”. 🙂

Any notion of control we have is an illusion… managing is a generous word for what we do with communities. I prefer to call it community relations, because it’s a lot more like a relationship, occasionally an abusive one… it’s about acknowledging that the control is in their hands in the first place.

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Thoughts on GDC

 Posted by (Visited 11401 times)  Game talk
Mar 102007

Here I am in Austin now, right across the street from the Convention Center where the mob scene that is SXSW plays out. I am totally exhausted. I went over to registration, and they were out of the badge holders so they could give me the right badge. They said they could give me one of the other sorts, but I wouldn’t have access to any parties tonight. I doubt I will be conscious for more than another two hours, so I just told them I’d come by in the morning for the real badge…

Besides, I feel guilty about not having posted the slides for the Game Meets Web talk yet. So I should stay in and do that!

In the meantime, my thoughts on GDC are as follows:

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Mar 092007

This was one of my favorite GDC sessions ever. It was, alas, a little sparsely attended compared to some of the other sessions I was in — maybe 50 people. But it was so worth it.

There were four of us on the panel: myself, Rod Humble, Chaim Gingold, and Jon Blow. And basically, everyone came in with a laptop, our games were installed on everyone’s machines, and then we played the game for a half hour while the games were talked about.

And the result, IMHO, was a sort of master class in game design. It was fantastic.

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GDC 07: Game Studies Download

 Posted by (Visited 37154 times)  Game talk
Mar 092007

Game Studies Download
Jane McGonigal, Ian Bogost, Mia Consalvo

Criteria: relevance to devs. Novelty, weird questions. Surprising insights.
Common theme: examine how games work and how they work on the players, relationship between design and how players react.

This is not a prescription of eternal truth, just inspiration. Research evolves.

Last year’s top ten list was very popular, 10k downloads. Feedback that there was a desire for a broader palette of sorts of studies. OK, here we go:
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MMO Past Present & Future summaries

 Posted by (Visited 8974 times)  Game talk
Mar 092007

This panel seems to have resonated. Write-ups:

Also a must-read: Joi Ito’s take on the conference as a whole, which I completely agree with.

I have still not made it to a single session. I hope to wake up in time for tomorrow’s Game Studies download.

Oh, and my talks today went well. I’ll post slides when I am more conscious. 😉