Incantations for Muggles: The Role of Ubiquitous Web 2.0 Technologies in Everyday Life
danah boyd, Doctoral Candidate, School of Information, University of California-Berkeley
Thank you so much for getting up at this hour. For those of you who are unfamiliar with Harry Potter, there are way more readers of HP than there are of BoingBoing or Digg combined. Muggles are those who are not wizards, those who do not have the magic.
Muggles have magic all around them… but don’t see it.
The talk is titled this way because it can be read on 2 levels — we’re here celebrating magic, because we are the wizards. But then we start to not think about Muggles, and mock them. Does that make us EEEeevil? What powers, and responsibilities do we have?
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