I took these hurried notes on my phone, believe it or not. 🙂 Italics are my editorial comments. Overall thoughts: I didn’t think it was that good a panel (sorry, Tony!) . Seems like not very sophisticated thinking from lots of questioners, and folks planning to do marketing in virtual worlds have a lot of learning to do.
Getting interviewed in SL today
(Visited 5032 times)As part of my SXSW activities, I’m doing an interview in Second Life with Adam Pasick of Reuters. He says I’m taking questions from the audience. Hooboy. Time to prepare evasions about what Areae is doing. 😉
Anyway, the details are there at that link. I guess it will be at the Reuters space…
The Sunday Poem: Circadian
(Visited 7250 times)One of the things about conference is that you never get enough sleep. I seem to have inadvertantly acquired a mental skill, one that perhaps does not rival Dr. Bartle’s ability to rewrite his perceptions of the world around him with his mind, but is nonetheless fascinating to me. I have developed, in the last year, an extremely accurate internal alarm clock.
No matter what time zone I am in, no matter how much or little sleep I have had, when I set the alarm for a given time, I will reliably wake up exactly ten minutes before it goes off. It happened yet again today — despite the loss of an hour for daylight savings time. Right on schedule, I awaken… looked too dark to be the right time — maybe I get that wonderful chance to snuggle back under the covers and drift for a while. But no — my internal clock was right.
I am most upset at being robbed of ten minutes a day of sleep. I like sleep. One of my favorite hobbies. The method my dreams have for waking me isn’t always pleasant either — last night, it was being a detective in a TV show, and I awoke when I was shot by a suspect and written out.
Anyway, here’s the poem, written fresh this morning, still piping hot from the oven. Apologies for the puns, bonus points to anyone who spots them all. 😉
If time is ticking and we tick off time
Then we must be madly ticking, clicking off time
In little hash marks like wrinkles, dimples,
Divots and dashes across ourselves and our minds.
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GDC 07: article on game meets web presentation
(Visited 7490 times)Here’s what looks like a very in-depth article on Game Meets Web in Japanese. The Google translation gave a decent gist of it, I thought. Alas, I have no transcript, so maybe this sort of thing helps a little in following the slides, which are only the tip of the iceberg on what I said…
GDC 07: Where Game Meets the Web
(Visited 20705 times)I have put up the slides (warning, tons of images!) and the original PPT file (51MB Zip) of my lecture at GDC this year. Those of you who are Web 2.0 geeks will likely find nothing much that is interesting here, honestly — but those of you who are straight up game geeks may find it enlightening.