New article in Massive Magazine
(Visited 6478 times)Apr 122007
Massive, alas, appears to be dead alongside Computer Games, according to news reports. But if you happen to subscribe, I have an article in there about MMO economies that might interest you. I’ll see if I can post it here eventually, if the mag is indeed going under.
6 Responses to “New article in Massive Magazine”
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Somebody at work told me that Massive had simply rebranded under the name “MMO Games” or something similar. I have no proof of that though.
I did receive a copy of MMO Games (issue #3 of Massive) in the mail a couple weeks ago. Raph’s article appears to be in there — page 96. 🙂
[…] New article in Massive Magazine […]
They rebranded for one issue, then their parent company apparently lost some lawsuit or another. Lum at BrokenToys had a brief blurb about it back last month (link). Hopefully someone will think it worth the effort to resurrect it at some point… I thought the last issue was pretty good, and that they were headed the right direction.
Lots of interesting points raised in your article, IMO (title: “Why Have Gold, Anyway”). The point you raised about altruism in games, and how and why it seems to have faded over the years, really resonated with me. There was a time when a buff or a heal as you passed by would earn a thank-you, as opposed to a threat or glare… not so much any more. For my part, I miss that.
I think, that is interesting for all.
Doh! And here I was looking forward to reading more articles in it from you Raph. It was actually the first time I picked up that magazine and now it looks like it will be the last as well. Too bad as it’s a pretty decent magazine. I enjoyed it much more so than PC Gamer.
I have to kind of laugh at the following from Troy Goodfellow’s blog relating to the event though.
It’s funny because there are a ton of corporations that don’t have their heads screwed on right. I mean if you want to avoid working for a screwed up corporation then you’ll need to remain independent but of course that requires a different path (kind of like 37 Signal’s Getting Real approach).
I mean I’ve always wondered why someone hasn’t started on online magazine first with daily news and so forth and then slowly built towards a published magazine later (that differentiates itself from it online site by having more indepth articles, similar to the ones in MMO magazine). I guess the primarily reason is that it takes a while before you can become profitable. In the beginning, you’re basically working for nothing to establish yourself. Guess you’d have to keep your “day job” until things took off. 🙂