New podcast on MUSHes

 Posted by (Visited 6589 times)  Game talk
Apr 182007

Yes, MUSHes are still relevant, dammit.

Anyway, Mike Parker points me towards a new podcast series being done by Alan Schwartz, aka Javelin, a long-time maintainer of the PennMUSH codebase. I haven’t checked it out yet, but I will.

  4 Responses to “New podcast on MUSHes”

  1. Res 4 PC Version Cleans Itself Up  – 2007-4-19  – (author unknown) New podcast on MUSHes  – 2007-4-19  – Raph Clip: Jack Thompson Gets Hardballed  – 2007-4-19  – (author unknown)

  2. April is teaching and learning month at M*U*S*H. There are a bunch of classes left – in a few days one of our dev’s is giving a lecture on incorporating ruby scripts into your MUSH.

    The genre is alive and well, and certainly worth a look…I think mushclient has gone freeware ( so you can pick up a client, and login!

    Thanks for the article Raph – I know text-based games is where you started a long time ago, and it nice not to be forgotten 🙂

  3. […] mentioned a podcast related to MUSHes (multi-user shared hallucination – a text-based game like MUDs). I […]

  4. But Bill… I could never give up my TinyFugue! 😉

    Wow, I fear that podcast. Oh, the flashbacks it would give me!

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