Web 2.0 Expo: panel notes

 Posted by (Visited 6664 times)  Game talk
Apr 192007

Obsolete_Your_Idols has a rough transcript of the panel I was on alongside folks from Club Penguin, Gaia Online, and Second Life.

  4 Responses to “Web 2.0 Expo: panel notes”

  1. Very rough. I did what I could to capture the gist of the discussions; there were many salient points I know I didn’t capture.

  2. Yeah, that’s a little TOO rough. I gave up about a page down. Ugh. I’m tiring of this “liveblogging” nonsense. Too little content and context! haha.

  3. Wow, Joi is getting quite some mileage recently out of that Not Yet You Fools article I wrote (4 years ago, and even then I knew it was a battle already lost).

    I wonder, though, that when he starts getting the voice spam gold adverts and the gratuitous swearing and the overtalking and the mistells and the everything-else-you-currently-get-on-text as voice (with the addition of people playing their choice of music, loudly), even he might wonder if there’s a point where reality can be too intrusive in a virtual world.


  4. […] Web 2.0 Expo: panel notes […]

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