The game without treadmills

 Posted by (Visited 49182 times)  Game talk
Apr 232007

for (iLevel = 1; iLevel iMaxLevelAllowed; iLevel++)
currentMonsters.hitPoints = X * iLevel;
currentMonsters.attackStrength = Y * iLevel; = GetMonsterGraphics(iLevel);

currentTreasures.value = Z * iLevel;

The above came from a Slashdot thread about LOTRO, and was pointed out to me by John Szeder, who followed up with the question, “Why haven’t more people looked at making games without treadmills?”

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A video review of AToF

 Posted by (Visited 7916 times)  Misc
Apr 232007

This is a first for me! GameJew (a frequently hilarious gaming culture video web show — the intro should give you a good idea of what it’s like) has done a video review of the book. Extreme close-ups of cartoons for the win!