A video review of AToF

 Posted by (Visited 7942 times)  Misc
Apr 232007

This is a first for me! GameJew (a frequently hilarious gaming culture video web show — the intro should give you a good idea of what it’s like) has done a video review of the book. Extreme close-ups of cartoons for the win!

The Sunday Song: Pick ‘Em All Up

 Posted by (Visited 7873 times)  Music
Apr 222007

My home office has had some misadventures lately: first replacing some faucets in the adjacent bathroom, then there was an unrelated flood which required moving everything out into the living room, then I found that the tile dust from the faucet replacement had almost killed my CPU fan, causing my computer to overheat and crash quite regularly (thanks to m3mnoch for helping me get running again!).

So today I got the recording stuff all set up again for the first time in ages. And this tune was the result. The recording is a bit muddy, and a bit messy — I didn’t actually write parts for anything other than the mandolin, so everything else is just improv and more than a bit rough, since some of the parts stomp each other or collide. But what the hey, it’s dinnertime and I have been working on it for around 6 hours, so I am posting it.

Given that I overdubbed virtually every instrument I have, Kristen said it should be called “Pick ‘Em All Up.” So it is. However, the ukelele and the mountain dulcimer did not in fact make the cut. But you can hear the old 1894 banjo in there — my banjo debut! — as well as the ’62 Gibson acoustic.