Apr 192007

Web 2.0 – lessons from game designers

I was worried the talk would be too obvious, but I guess there’s something to be said for the whole “transfer knowledge across domains” thing — funny that nobody has explicitly picked up on the fact that these ‘lessons from game designers’ are mostly stolen from other fields in the first place. 😉

Now, I’m off to the airport. Yes, you read the timestamp on this post correctly. 😛

Areae’s hiring more…

 Posted by (Visited 9083 times)  Misc
Apr 182007

Specifically, we want a community manager. You may feel free to speculate on what that means regarding announcements! About the only thing that I would add to the below is to point out that as far as we’re concerned, the community job is one of the most important at the company. It’s our public face to our most important people, actual users. So this is a really important job, if you’re interested; we’re determined to treat community as a core competency. Details on the job:

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Web 2.0 Expo: Immersive Design

 Posted by (Visited 10140 times)  Game talk
Apr 182007

I did a quickie PDF of my slides from today and tossed them up here. (2.6MB PDF). It does lose a lot without the verbal commentary, but I was approached about posting the audio of the talk by someone, so that should show up in the next day or so.

The panel also went well.  Some amazing stats from Gaia Online — I’m about to go see those guys for dinner, so maybe I will wheedle their slides from them. 😉

Virtual Cultures: new MMO blog

 Posted by (Visited 6042 times)  Game talk
Apr 172007

Virtual Cultures is a new MMO blog by Ron Meiners & Celia Pearce that looks quite promising. (Celia has been doing the games thing most recently from the academic side for quite a while now — and Ron is one of the most experienced community guys in the biz).

Among other things, they seem to be the best source for coverage of the Indie MMO Conference that just happened — among other things posted, there’s a description of Dr Bartle’s keynote, which Celia terms “massively inspirational.”