Speaking at Web 2.0 Expo

 Posted by (Visited 10000 times)  Game talk
Apr 102007

So, I am speaking at Web2.0 Expo in a week or so. Two sessions, actually: a panel, and a joint lecture with Ben Ceverny.

  • Immersive Experiences: Lessons from Game Designers  (joint lecture)
  •  Reality Bites: The Future of Gaming + Virtual Worlds 2.0

Details below the fold.

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Paternalistic or libertine?

 Posted by (Visited 16958 times)  Game talk
Apr 102007

So China has set up time limits for MMOs. I think this is actually the final implementation of the plan they announced previously, but whatever. People’s Daily Online reports that under-18 players will only be allowed to play for 3 hours a day at full XP rates, with declining XP gain thereafter until at 5 hours there’s no advancement at all. After five hours, you’ll get spam warnings every quarter hour telling you to go log off because it’s unhealthy for you to keep playing. And games not compliant by July 16th will simply be shut down.

In order to enforce this, they are requiring underage players to register with real names and identity card numbers. And this is where the real rub is: the issue of anonymity, rather than the issue of time spent.

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XBox caves, adds keyboard

 Posted by (Visited 6618 times)  Game talk
Apr 092007

CNet has word that Live handles and MSN buddies will merge soon, but the part that struck me as interesting was this:

Microsoft will launch a new text input device this summer that will attach to the Xbox 360’s controller and will let users type messages using a QWERTY keyboard. Currently, sending such messages from the Xbox requires using an on-screen keyboard or plugging in a USB keyboard.

Why? Because despite debates going on over on the MUD-Dev2 mailing list, text chat is still the universal solution. Yeah, it’s not best-suited for a console, but it’s the best-suited for a range of devices, even over voice. There are some advantages text has — such as asynchronicity — that just aren’t going to go away.

Korea gets into metaverses

 Posted by (Visited 6396 times)  Game talk
Apr 092007

The Electronic Times is reporting that “3D virtual reality service reviving in Korean market.” Specifically, that people are seeing all the attention paid to Second Life, and are getting projects underway.

Among them, Real Time Worlds Asia (any connection to Real Time Worlds in Scotland, the guys doing APB?) says they’re making an SL clone with the Unreal engine. And there’s another one called Azitro that is launching next month and features a very charming line art style on its website — but not in its world, based on the screenshots, which look a lot like SimCity.

The article also introduced me to a Korean world I had never heard of: Dadaworlds, which looks like a Shockwave virtual world with a very heavy dose of cyberoptimism and a lot of real world tie-in.

“There will be about 100 of Second Life resemblance this year,” Director of Acid Crebiz, who developed virtual reality for the first time in Korea, forecasted. Meanwhile, developed by Shin Yoo-Jin, architectural engineering professor at Kwangwoon University, the first virtual reality service DadaWorlds once had over 100,000 users, but now there are only 200 users.

Apr 082007

This is an old instrumental I wrote and recorded a very long time ago now. It dates to maybe ten years ago — I recovered it off analog tape. The recording has some blips and clicks in it, sounds like I bumped into the mic at one point, and I think you can hear the fish tank burbling in the background and possibly even a child or two.

You’re supposed to listen to this imagining big ol’ lumbering cartoon elephants stomping through the jungle, even getting excited and partying at one point.

Then there’s a mouse.

Weird guitar tunings for $100: this is in DADGAD, then I capoed at the 10th fret only on the top four strings. The mouse is played on the strings below the capo.